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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. You obviously love love.....to bad he isn't very good.
  2. That's why you pass this year and either pick the best LT on the board or trade down. Snatch a FA QB or a QB for a lower pick trade for a 4th or 5th in next year's draft (or this year if they can get the extra later round picks). Smartest move they can make this year. Unless they want to roll with Darnold or Walker and rinse and repeat.
  3. I know the Jaguars suck and had Urban Meyer to make it worse. After watching his play for a full season, what do you think. Being the most highly touted QB in his draft class and appeared to have all the intangibles, had a pretty rough season. Does this prove that a QB drafted #1 is still a crap shoot or will he rebound next season. Just never know what the future brings in a rookie....no matter drafted first or twenty.
  4. Don't want a guy with throwing shoulder problems....plus seems like he is a problem child.
  5. Per Jeff Howe 'the Atlantic'. According to this reporting from 'the Atlantic', Panthers held preliminary talks with his rep and the Browns about a trade. True or not true.....who knows. Just stating what I read.not sure about the time line.
  6. Just get Minshew and take the best LT at 6. I know it won't happen and they will take pickett no matter what. I would rather use darnold as a back up and get the QB next season when we unload Darnold and alot of cap space opens up. Who knows who may fall our way. If they commit to Pickett and he shats the bed then what....another QB four years from now? Doesn't matter cause Pickett is their guy.
  7. Guys with shoulder problems sometimes never truly heal. Always a risk when any kind of throwing arm shoulder issues arise.
  8. Nobody knows what these guys will turn out to be.....a Ryan Leaf or a Tom Brady. Just a roll of the dice.
  9. With all the QB's flying off the list today. I'm fairly confident that he is the guy they want. If Fitts, Mcadoo, and Morgan think he is the guy, then fine. I don't really care what Rhules evaluation is. Looks like unless they are throwing a curve ball and trading back or plan to keep Darnold as a starter this year (which I doubt, maybe on a REAL short leash), you guys will be getting your guy.
  10. Who knows with Rhule. He may be loving on Pickett right now. So the Falcons are probably out of the QB draft this year. Saints still eyeing Willis if u you read the tea leaves (back up Winston and sit for a year or two). Leaves J.G.(dont want). That leaves Baker...or draft picks. Vet options getting mighty thin.
  11. Look at those clean trimmed fingernails and soft looking hands.....he is our guy!
  12. Mediocre QB with a shoulder surgery.....sounds great
  13. *I hate his stupid ass commercials....does that count? * even though the one with Alice C. makes that one acceptable
  14. Been saying this for two seasons now. Some laughed and scoffed at the idea. It is way past time they make the change if they want to keep him and have him actually play and produce.
  15. Don't worry...when he gets planted in the turf a few times, he will rethink it as he is sitting in the blue tent
  16. Give me Minshew, pick the best LT at #6, and one more vet LT in FA (not a JAG), and they have basically rebuild the team in one offseason.... Good job
  17. I will always remember that Dallas game when he took over the field....
  18. Tell Drew Brees that....u really have no clue do u?
  19. Stupid argument....but nice try. Tell that to Brady.
  20. Still with Darnold then.....good luck
  21. That's just it...he is better then what an unknown commodity in a subpar class of rookie QB's would bring you. They could all suck and be out of the game in two year's. He has shown that he can be successful in this league.
  22. Don't know....that is what the FO is paid to figure out. A third might actually get it done.
  23. Make and offer with a 3rd next year and a JAG or two at most....see if they bite.
  24. Minshew may play well enough to earn and keep the job if given a chance. He is only 25 with no major injuries in his career.
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