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Everything posted by MasterAwesome

  1. I like how someone got warned/banned for calling Mr. Scot an idiot, but if Mr. Scot does the same thing but in his usual carefully couched condescension (which happens virtually daily), then it's acceptable. If the rule is simply not to attack/insult people, then there should be zero difference in a post like this vs. explicitly calling someone an idiot.
  2. All the repetitive screen passes should be able to eventually bait the defense into opening up an opportunity for a long bomb. A good OC would be trying to capitalize on that, but I’m a bit skeptical about McAdoo.
  3. If the Giants win today I’ll be impressed, but so far they’re 4-1 by way of underwhelming one-score wins against bad teams: us, Bears, Titans, and Packers. Titans and Packers have winning records but they themselves look more like pretenders, barely scraping together wins against their own bad opponents. Based on what I’ve seen so far, if the Giants make it to the playoffs, I have a feeling they’re gonna be a one-and-done type of team. Which is still pretty impressive, but I think they’re a couple years away from potentially really making noise.
  4. I couldn’t care less how many rushing yards my QB musters up on a day where he puts up 7 points at home against a bad defense. Kind of a weird flex tbh.
  5. Yeah I still don't recall getting closure as far as how many of those were bad snaps vs. mishandles by Baker. I know someone posted one of them that was clearly a low snap in Shotgun, but also that PFF credited 4 of them to Baker and 1 of them to Elflein. Regardless, I think the snap mishaps were pretty much resolved after Game 1. I can only recall 1 fumbled snap since then, which I think was Week 2 or 3? I could be wrong. So I don't put a lot of weight into the fumbled snaps now that we're in Week 6, much like I don't put a lot of weight in Icky's struggles in the first few games when I think about the current state of our o-line.
  6. I'm all for upgrading the line-up at any position, Center included. I'd disagree however that Elflein has been a liability this season; I think he has played pretty well for the most part and is more a victim of his reputation rather than his performance on the field. It's tricky with o-line because that unit benefits immensely from continuity, so that's not a position you toy with later in the season if they've been performing well together, which I think most people would agree that they have. Unless there truly is a clear liability on that line, which I guess is where we disagree. But it's often not as simple as replacing a decent C with potentially a slightly better C and then seeing immediate improvement, especially with C being the most cerebral position who, as you pointed out, is tasked with calling protections.
  7. Bozeman is such a confusing case. He seems to be super highly touted not only on these boards, but by fairly reputable publications who had him rated highly in their list of top FAs in the offseason. But at the same time, money talks...and Bozeman was signed on a relatively dirt-cheap one-year deal that is consistent with more of a "prove it" type year. That contract does not exactly scream "above average young starter o-lineman".
  8. There has been a ton of chatter on these boards about so-and-so player only having a roster spot or a starting position because of Rhule favoritism, so I guess we'll find out soon if there is validity to that. I suspect people are going to be in for a rude awakening when there is relatively minimal change to the roster under Wilks.
  9. Cool. Anyway......back to PJ. If the only thing standing in the way of PJ throwing backbreaking goal-line interceptions is a healthy CMC, then that ain't exactly a glowing endorsement of the guy.
  10. You can't suggest Cam vultured PJ's TDs at the 2-yard-line while glossing over the fact that PJ's "2 really dumb throws" against the Lions were at exactly the same spot lol (okay okay, the Detroit 4-yard-line and 7-yard-line). For all we know, Cam coming in and scoring those TDs prevented some boneheaded PJ goal-line interceptions if we're judging off of empirical evidence. I know you've seen enough of this offense over the past few seasons to know that a Panthers "1st and Goal" type situation is far from a sure TD...maybe more like a 25% chance if we're being generous. Moving the ball all game long is well and good (and tbh a HUGE upgrade to what we've seen from this year's offense) but it doesn't mean much if you have a QB who throws terrible redzone interceptions. I mean, moving the ball between the 20s and stalling out in the red zone was the story of our 2020 season.
  11. I'm actually legit excited to see any QB not named Baker. Not that I'm expecting our offense to perform better necessarily, but I think it'll be an enlightening experience as to whether our offensive struggles are more of a Baker problem or a McAdoo problem. If we continue to take coverage sacks because receivers aren't getting open and we put up another dud offensively, I think that's pretty much the nail in the coffin for McAdoo. PJ came into the game last week and immediately looked much more decisive in throwing the football but obviously took a couple sacks too.
  12. Hey don't shoot the messenger, I was just quoting Rhule verbatim. I'm a pancake ally
  13. Gotcha...be careful, your data manipulation is starting to sound an awful lot like Matt Rhule at the podium with his "We statistically have the league's best defense if you count only prime number games where there was a full moon the night before and I had waffles (not pancakes) for breakfast".
  14. Coaches also don't "typically" get fired 5 games into a season lol so yeah of course interim head coaches would just run things out cause that team is usually statistically out of playoff contention. We're literally a mere two games behind in our division in what is still the first third of the season. I sure as hell hope our players and coaches are still trying to win games and make a run at the playoffs.
  15. Where are you getting these numbers from? I mean I'm guessing you're combining his NFL with his XFL to boost his "pro" numbers, but even just with the Panthers, the dude has 8 interceptions. NFL + XFL he'd be at 17 TDs (18 with rushing) and 12 INTs, not 16 and 7. And his completion percentage with his "current team" (i.e. the Panthers) is 58%.
  16. I really can't believe you guys continued for about 15 more pages after Mr. Scot said Dan Morgan wouldn't accept a job promotion to one of the most prestigious positions in one of the most competitive and lucrative industries in the world which he has been working towards for years...all because his buddy got fired. I'm sure all our former Temple and Baylor players led by Robby Anderson are gonna lock arms and sign kumbaya in protest and forfeit their paychecks until Matt Rhule gets reinstated as Panthers' HC too.
  17. Icky was supposed to be the raw one with the highest ceiling but he’s already outperforming Evan Neal and Charles Cross.
  18. Calculated Risk-Taker Ronald clarified that he was talking about the QB's familiarity within the offense, i.e. Wentz has been with Washington for 1 year whereas the other QBs have had much longer to learn and operate within their respective offenses. https://www.nfl.com/news/commanders-hc-ron-rivera-takes-mea-culpa-for-carson-wentz-comments
  19. I've been trying to look for an injury update but haven't been able to find anything yet. We desperately need him lined up on Kupp Sunday to hopefully slow him down.
  20. I find your argumentation from the offseason to present day to be very confusing. You wouldn't allow any criticism of Joe Brady because you argued he wasn't the primary issue with the O and it deflected blame away from Matt Rhule. You also argued that Matt Rhule was a notorious micromanager who had his fingers all over the offense which is why you largely absolved Joe Brady. But now, you're all "McAdoo McAdoo McAdoo" in thread after thread after thread and very explicitly blaming him for all our offensive woes. Your McAdoo:Rhule critique ratio is about 15:1 which means the CRA from 2 months ago would have accused you of being a Rhule lover who deflects blame from him any chance he gets. So what has changed? Did Rhule all of a sudden stop micromanaging? I doubt that, because as you've argued multiple times, micromanagers don't just stop micromanaging - they don't go against their nature. Me on the other hand: I can argue that Joe Brady was a terrible OC and now McAdoo has been a terrible OC. The common denominator seems to be Rhule who is either micromanaging to the detriment of our offense, or is just absolutely horrible at picking OCs. See? Very straightforward, no inconsistencies. But the offseason CRA would have an absolute field day with the present-day CRA and the pass you're giving Rhule for our offense.
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