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Everything posted by MasterAwesome

  1. To be fair, you were also pretty pissed about us losing out on Zach Wilson lol. The easy part is arguing that tanking is in the best long-term interests of a franchise. The hard part is nailing that franchise-changing QB pick after the tank job. It's also easier said than done that we could out-suck the 1-15 Jaguars in 2020. Even with Will Grier at QB, our defense was pretty average that year and would've won us more than 1 game. Likely against the Lions who we shut out with PJ Walker at QB, and the awful Haskins-led Washington team that we beat towards the end of the season.
  2. You gotta make sure those stats you're throwing out are accurate though. You keep saying Seattle turned the ball over three times yesterday; it was two (1 Horn interception, 1 Henderson interception).
  3. I mean Baker had a stat line of like 18-30 155 yards and 3 points at the time you commented about how jealous you are of how LA’s coaches are using him. That kinda QB play has basically been our norm for the past 3 years lol. But damn okay Baker earned his accolades on that last drive. I guess y’all really manifested some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy…props.
  4. We really over here drooling over an offense that put up 10 points? 3 points until 3 min left in the 4th quarter. What kind of bizarro Huddle did I log into?
  5. Huddle: “chill out, Brock Purdy and Mike White have only played 1-2 games. It’s way too early to evaluate them”. Also Huddle: “Damn! Look at Baker, he already looks way better than he ever did in Carolina” (after 2 throws lol)
  6. Garrett Wilson could definitely be in the mix with a productive last 5 games. He seems to have built some good rapport with Mike White.
  7. I'll give it to Ridder, he does look the part. And by that, I mean he physically looks like a 35-year-old who has been in the league for 15 years.
  8. Saying "let's skip drafting a QB in the 1st and just take late-round QBs instead" would be a stupid argument...but I don't think anyone is making that argument? What's debatable and the question that the OP seems to be asking is: is it worth deliberately tanking in hopes that you're gonna draft the savior of your franchise at the top of the 1st when it's such a volatile crapshoot? I keep hearing people bring up Kyle Allen but the irony is that Kyle Allen (UFA) won more games for us than any of our highly drafted 1st round picks in recent years: Teddy, Darnold, or Baker. You guys are only unironically bolstering the OP's argument lol. My position is that you wholeheartedly compete for the entire season (no "tanking"), let the chips fall where they may, then if there's a QB you think can be your franchise QB wherever you're picking in the 1st, you pull the trigger on him or even move up for him. Don't lose your minds over our team winning too many games to take one of the Top 2 guys or w/e...people did exactly that last season with Zach Wilson.
  9. Where in Smith's tweet in your OP does he suggest that Goff is playing the best football of his career? And that he's way better than before? Because that's the part of your argument that people are challenging, and nothing about Smith's tweet corroborates that opinion. His tweet simply says Goff is playing better than Stafford right now and essentially that the trade worked out for both parties.
  10. To be fair, OP got a D in Mathematics so I don't think he knows how to interpret these numbers.
  11. He's really not. He's performing very similarly to his first year under McVay, or slightly worse. I don't think that's a coincidence - I imagine Goff benefits quite a bit from a new innovative offensive system and doesn't quite have the elite ability for sustained success. So he'll most likely get figured out at some point next year and his production will drop off like it did with the Rams. 2017: 28 TDs, 7 INTs, 62.1 Completion %, 253.6 YPG, 8.0 Y/A, 100.5 rating 2022: 19 TDs, 7 INTs, 64.9 Completion %, 251.8 YPG, 7.5 Y/A, 95.7 rating
  12. That's a fine argument if you want to make it, but it's applied very selectively. How often do you hear on here "I feel so bad for poor DJ Moore who has had to catch passes from terrible QBs his entire career" while he's getting paid handsomely? Or imagine all the "we failed Cam Newton and surrounded him with trash his entire career" arguments being met with "but bank account tho..../thread". Those aren't my beliefs about DJ and Cam btw, I do have quite a bit of sympathy for them because I don't think it's all about the money. But if your position is that making bank precludes you from sympathy, then that would apply to every rich NFL player making millions upon millions of dollars. And I can already hear the outrage of "Did you just compare Sam Darnold to DJ Moore and Cam Newton?!", in which case thank you for agreeing with me that there are other factors besides money lol.
  13. Nobody can convince me that's not Scott Fitterer with a beard. NFL thumb-headed GMs have just been put on high alert.
  14. This guy spends 20 minutes researching statistics and selectively crunching up numbers manually (incorrectly, might I reiterate) in response to my one sentence throwaway post and has the audacity to ask me why I care so much.....me. Ok dude lol. I didn't even call any individuals out but I'm glad you're stepping forward and outing yourself as one of those big Baker Boyz who would rather us have given up a 4th round pick instead of a 5th, just to fawn over watching him go 3-and-out for 11 out of 12 drives.
  15. When did I ever imply Darnold is not dog poo? Why can't you ever engage with what I'm actually saying instead of the strawman that is easier for you to argue against? Baker was bigger dog poo than Darnold, who is also dog poo. Is that put simply enough for you or is anything unclear?
  16. I have no clue what you're saying in the bold. You actually did not omit Baker's Cincy work, you very clearly included his 2 TDs from that game otherwise he would be at 4 TDs and 6 INTs. Also he did not even play in the TB game...are you talking about Sam from last year? Your wrong statistics aside...so Baker with an infinitely better o-line performed comparably to Sam? That's the argument you feel good about making? And that's only if you for some reason disregard Sam's actual productive 4-game stretch to open the 2021 season which doesn't count I guess because "teams didn't have film on Sam yet"...which somehow didn't stop Baker from sucking right out the gate with no film on him. This is such a weird and selective comparison. Let's just exclude Baker's first 4 starts this season too where all of his TDs came from, so updated QB A numbers: 0 TDs, 3 INTs. Remember when you argued that Baker's 47 batted passes were because of McAdoo's playcalling? But then PJ and Sam proceeded to not have that issue somehow? Funny how that works out. For the record I agree with you that PJ is probably the best QB on our roster as sad as that is. I think Darnold has been awful, before you go all "DaRnOlD fAnBoY" on me, but Baker gave us the worst QB play we've had in 3 seasons and no amount of selective (and falsified) statistics are going to refute that.
  17. People in here really watched 7 games of Baker Mayfield this season and tried to argue Sam Darnold is worse.
  18. Being a Broncos fan has to be the most miserable experience imaginable. Worst offense in the league coupled with a strong defense equals very boring low-scoring games for the most part.
  19. Deshaun Watson’s return flew completely under the radar for me. Although I guess if you’re the NFL, you might be reluctant to hype up his comeback too much.
  20. Yeah exactly, I even started writing in a section on the lack of parity in college football vs. the NFL (continuing my Madden analogy with some college games between teams being like the top rated Madden player against the computer on Rookie Mode) but I felt like I was dangerously encroaching on TL;DR ranting territory haha.
  21. I’ll be completely transparent in saying that I’ve never actually given college football much of a chance to grow on me. Even as a UNC student ~15 years ago I only went to a few college games already trashed and not actually paying much attention to it. But I just feel like there are so many goofy Madden-esque stats being put up routinely by college offenses, like running backs getting 200+ yards with 10 ypc and QBs putting up 400 yards and 6 TDs. I can see how that’s entertaining and even the NFL seems to be wanting to trend in that direction which is why they’re continuously making it harder for defenses with the changes to some of the rules and becoming more and more trigger-happy with defensive penalties like roughing the passer and pass interference. I dunno, just seems more flash than substance for me with these college games. At the end of the day, college football feels to me in many ways like the JV to the NFL’s varsity, and I just ain’t getting all that excited about JV football. But to each their own…I think finding passion in anything in life is almost always objectively a good thing unless it’s doing harm somehow.
  22. I get that but I also feel like spending a ton of time watching guys we *potentially* could draft and getting caught up in the excitement of seeing them as a Panther will only set you up for disappointment lol. I don’t wanna get emotionally invested in drafting any particular player and would rather just wait to see who we do get and then I’ll invest my time to pull up as many clips and videos as possible to see what we’re working with. But then again, I’m not a college football fan so if you actually are a fan and spend your time watching it as standalone entertainment anyways, rather than as a factory for your favorite NFL team, then it makes sense to just enjoy the college football scene while also keying in on any prospects who you think would be a good fit for the Panthers.
  23. It’s weird knowing that my undergrad and grad school alma maters (UNC/Clemson) are facing off tomorrow and yet I can’t muster up a single ounce of interest to watch any college football. That is, until the NFL draft when I scurry off to YouTube to watch highlight videos of whoever we draft.
  24. No clue what you’re saying….my question is specifically about you calling the team “stupid” if they win enough to drop out of the top 10. That implies that they have control over that outcome and could do something to ensure that they tank their way into that Top 10 pick. And that’s what I’m asking you about - what you would do to ensure the tank. Otherwise it’s like…”ugh the Panthers are such idiots for losing out on the chance at a top 10 pick” ”Oh what would you have done differently to get the outcome you wanted?” ”Beats me, I dunno…but they’re still so stupid for not doing it” Is that actually what’s going on here?
  25. I feel like we’ve already got a ton of young guys getting a good number of snaps. We’re even using Cade Mays at FB to get him on the field haha. So in the case of Cade Mays for example, who would you bench in the finale to squeeze him into the line-up? Like just move a healthy Corbett or Bozeman to the bench and start Mays? I know teams will do that to preserve starters for the playoff if they’ve already secured their playoff seeding going into the season finale, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a losing team deliberately bench a quality starter in favor of a rookie just to get them some snaps. Maybe it happens, and I could entertain the idea that a coach would do something like that. I feel like it’s weird particularly for o-line though cause their job is to protect the quarterback. So knowingly starting a worse o-line just for the sake of getting a young guy reps and consequently putting your QB at heightened risk of getting destroyed seems almost unethical lol.
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