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Everything posted by SmokinwithWilly

  1. He should throw a block party for all the fans with that $13 mil he got last year. We deserve something for all of this.
  2. Don't know if your kids have cell phones or not but tell them to keep an eye out for the van and snap a picture of it if it comes back around. We had that happen in a neighborhood near ours and the guy was driving around during the day scouting. Also, keep an eye out on the weekends and in the evenings for a vehicle you don't recognize making driving by on different days. Another thing, might be more than you're willing to do, is check the sex offender registry in your area. Sometimes there's pictures of them and you can see what they were convicted of. If someone fits the description your kids gave you, you may be able to show them the photos, though I would recommend copying the photos separately so they don't know you're scanning a registry. my wife and I keep up with the registry anyway because of our grandkids.
  3. After reading so many of the posts over the past 24 hours, I have an overwhelming desire to push someone off a cliff.
  4. One thing to consider is how they are going to use Graham. Even though he's technically a TE, he played WR 2/3 of his snaps. The common thing I've heard on the radio out here in Seahawks land all day was concern about him taking plays off, his lack of blocking, and how he is going to be used in the offense.
  5. I need a little help With staying hydrated. I'm experiencing a lot of cramping even though I'm drinking a lot of water. I'm trying to stay away from the sports drinks but I want a tasty replacement without all the calories and chemicals. I sweat pretty heavily when working out and I need a healthy alternative to Gatorade or the like. If you guys could offer any help I would really appreciate it.
  6. And I thought the line at the DMV was long...
  7. 5 yr/ 70 mil 55 gtd. franchise LT. Can't let talent like that walk.
  8. I use a combo of malware bytes ang spybot. Between the two, the cover about 99.9% of spyware pretty effectively.
  9. How many sacks did Cam prevent By scrambling? All those rushing yards weren't from designed QB runs.
  10. There are no words for the role he played. I have tried to wipe the prequel trilogy from my mind. I thought they were that bad.
  11. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption. Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump James Earl Jones voice as Darth Vader.
  12. I realize he has been tagged, and what we would have to give up to get him, but I would pick Bryant. If Cam is going to be the center of the team, he needs the best pieces placed around him. That's why I'd pick Dez over Hardy. The thought of Dez, KB and Olsen makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I know it's not going to happen, but I would love to see it
  13. Great.... Now we're going to have to open an all new section just to hold Igo's ego...
  14. He's not. Probably couldn't remember how to spell his first name from memory.
  15. Don't think she is trying to hurt your feelings. I don't think she gives two poos about your feelings. Next time she wants to make plans tell her you're busy. If she doesn't call you back, then you know for sure. Of course I'm also male, what the hell do I know about how women think?
  16. It all depends on what you have done or are doing. We live in an age where we are more connected to each other by social media than ever before. The actions of employees can directly affect an employer. With so many people posting their lives via Facebook, twitter, instagram, etc., employers have to worry about their reputation. I'll give you an example. I had a guy that worked for me. Hard working guy, when he was sober. He never had a DUI or public intoxication. However, I started having my clients come to me saying that they had seen him out in public so drunk he could barely stand. This wasn't a single isolated instance, it happened 10-12 times within a few weeks. I had to make a decision. He was making my clients uncomfortable because of his drinking, and I had to weigh the likelihood that he would come to work hung over, could possibly drink on the job, or cause my clients to go somewhere else. His drinking, while on his own time, was affecting my business. I had to let him go. Did it feel good to do? No. It had to be done though. It's a simple question but not so simple an answer.
  17. They are using "Conduct that undermines or puts at risk the integrity and reputation of the NFL, NFL clubs, or NFL players." Completely open to interpretation.
  18. Honestly though, who didn't see this coming a mile away. Of all 3 cases, Hardy wouldn't have been the one I would have put my money on for a guilty verdict.
  19. "Conduct that undermines or puts at risk the integrity and reputation of the NFL, NFL clubs, or NFL players." I'm thinking it might be time for Goodell to suspend himself.
  20. I haven't seen that he has either, but I am not familiar with how much moving of linemen they do during practices, just in case.
  21. Just curious if he can play guard as well as tackle. If so, could see him as a fill in for the injury bug that's going to hit at some point during the season. Depth is something we desperately need.
  22. Don't know how much truth there is to it since it was on ESPN, but they said if he is waived now he is due an injury settlement but not if he is waived later. It's an interesting take if true, putting his case out in public before he's actually waived.
  23. It's one of the only ones he could find where it looks like he might actually block someone.
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