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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. movie theaters probably aren't coming back, at least the AMC/Regal types.
  2. newt gingrich shut down the federal government because clinton made him sit in the back of air force once
  3. im fine with them both being morons. cuomo only looks competent next to trump or deblasio doesn't make it better, and it does have heart associated problems. whats the point of taking a drug that does nothing except prolong the qt interval
  4. thats nothing new that's been known for half a century the president is a fuging moron
  5. also reports of people getting reinfected are almost certainly false negatives from previous tests you tests 100s of millions of people you're going to get some weird results not in the US of course because we're not testing lmao
  6. There is growing evidence that countries that innoculate against TB, specifically one of a couple specific BCG strains, have improved immunity to the debilitating respiratory effects that are causing the most damage. This isn't to say TB vaccine is a cure for the illness, just that it for some reason downregulates some interleukin factors that really get ARDS going. Hydroxychloroquine does nothing. its MOA in wherever it's used is to stop viral reproduction. For anyone in the hospital, the damage is already done, and no ER doctors besides ones trying to get on fox news or people that have stocks. please do not try to acquire this second hand because it has some serious heart side effects and you're taking it from people who actually need it azithromycin targets macrophages within the lungs and can slow down the bad poo but its unknown just how effective it is for this and there hasn't been a study. i'd avoid. apparently nicotine of all things might have a protective factor but who knows. please do not start smoking doctors are seeing a ton of thrombolytic events. people are throwing clots. No one has any idea why that's happening people are dropping dead after only reporting kidney (lower back on the sides) pain. this is due to ACE2 receptors on the kidneys.
  7. SOMETHING happens when people use ibuprofen to treat covid 19 inflammation. you do not currently have it so i wouldn't be concerned.
  8. lol olympics aren't happening guys nothing is happening this year
  9. dont you think society has enough problems right now
  10. Please don't listen to this person.
  11. There will not be football this year.
  12. so martial law i guess also lol "marshall"
  13. yeah, this is going to be one of those thigns that fundamentally change how we approach our daily lives. Things like going into an office every single day to moves 1s and 0s around, or going to college classrooms etc, that's going to be reexamined. if you want to see how it will change politically, look at what's happening now. they're massive support in the country (on the left at least) for medicare for all programs. on the right? a definite 2024 GOP candidate for president Tom Cotton is talking about going to war with china over this.
  14. yes, thats why i said bacteria. not virus.
  15. you guys are talking about these open air markets on the other side of the world when the thing that's really going to fug us up is literally growing in eastern north carolina all those huge pig farms with thousands of heads of hog milling about in piss and poo and being pumped full of antibiotics are ground zero for the next hideous bacteria to get out. And the best part about whatever comes out of there? It will already be resistant to antibiotics. You know what people eat when the economy melts down? Pork, and lots of it. Hopefully we're not in a recess-OH poo
  16. so i don't think anything "the media" is doing is fear mongering. in fact, i think all the major cable news networks are vastly underplaying this. like we should have been locked down over a month ago like korea or indonesia. instead, we're just waiting for the poo to hit the fan. and for every person with sniffles who goes to the ER, I promise you there are 2 people who weekly go to the ER for like fibromyalgia storm who are now thinking twice about it.
  17. things aren't going to be normal for the rest of this year. This is going to be very very bad. as far as what the public needs to know, we're very far past the window where anything could have been prevented. the most important thing is for people under 40, or healthy people under 50, to not go to the ER if they think they have it. Just shut themselves down.
  18. ask me your questions or whatever im finishing an e med rotation and the one before it was pulmonary critical care so uh im kinda qualified in a just some guy on a messageboard sense
  19. actually you died, and posting on the huddle is your personnel hell thoughts and prayers
  20. the biggest problem we're having so far is people getting sent home from work. so the region where i work is very poor, very medically underserved, and very republican. everyone smokes, meth is rampant, and no one has healthcare. but it's also a big tourist destination so everyone works in the tourist industry. So you have people in their 20s and 30s who come down with some kind of cough, and it could be anything (we still have tons of flu here), and their bosses won't let them come back to work until they get a negative covid test. but we won't test them because they don't meet criteria so all these people that are barely making it paycheck to paycheck are now not being able to go back to work
  21. that's an estimate. things are funky right now with testing. but these are people from the two main hospitals and the few regional ones. we've also had a few deaths that are VERY suspicious but once someone dies without a positive test that is positive later then it becomes a HIPAA thing. east tennessee has the worst air quality and lung health in the nation so it's going to burn through this region like wildfire. like we'll have mass graves in Neyland.
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