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Everything posted by rodeo

  1. rodeo


    i want to know who the person is who is watching AEW but is like "wait what's this WWE thing being commercialed, never heard of that i think i'll check it out"
  2. rodeo


    that match lived up to everything i hoped it would be. rapturous moment
  3. rodeo


    i have no problem with the number of factions at all, but i think they do have a small issue where they don't always fit the right people together in a faction. Ricky Starks never belonged in Team Taz. he doesn't live the FTW lifestyle. he's a charisma guy, not a suplex-gremlin.
  4. rodeo


    maybe they'll film an hour of rampage before and then an hour after, so it'll end at 11
  5. rodeo


    cut a promo in front of the stadium lol
  6. rodeo


    Charlotte's own Darius Lockhart was at the AEW Dark tapings today
  7. rodeo


    but yeah that show was historic. incredible poo. miro vs kingston was my favorite match, it was old school storytelling and really stiff shots.
  8. rodeo


    wyatt was fired on july 31st which means he can't go anywhere until october 29th. perfect date for them to do a halloween special to debut him. but idk if they even should, they already have malakai and do you really want to have 2 spooky boys? it might dilute them
  9. rodeo


    All Out is gonna slap
  10. rodeo


    i've heard good things but i haven't started it yet
  11. rodeo


    every old timer 80s-90s wrestling fan i know that got back into it was because of jurassic express. idk what it is about them but casual/former fans love them
  12. rodeo


    i think it's inevitable with his House of Black thing. that name implies more people are gonna join it.
  13. rodeo


    oh boy we got a cornette guy
  14. rodeo


    i imagine you feel a little silly making a match of the year claim this early and then the next day they spring the real match of the year on us
  15. rodeo


    meltzer said on the most recent observer radio that windham is most likely joining, yeah. i'm hoping for danielson at the arthur ashe stadium show next month
  16. rodeo


    i went to one of AEW's last shows before the pandemic, it's a really great experience
  17. rodeo

    Cyberpunk 2077

    it was worth it to me from day 1 but at this point you could wait to see how the DLC looks in a couple months
  18. this is the best gimmick account to hit the huddle in years lol
  19. wonder if anybody wants our second rounder to trade back up for Fields
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