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Everything posted by Daddy_Uncle

  1. good start for the packers? hey just punted you morons
  2. we were calling TO. Don't they usually say there is no flag on the TO panthers...
  3. I didn't think we were still answering the questions "yeah well who did you beat" Thought that was out the window already. STFU Buck and Troy
  4. now Troy and Buck get be happy. Garauntee you they did a high 5 there
  5. Could be a lot worse. Missed TD opportunity on first drive and a missed field goal.
  6. They are refusing to give the Panthers any love. It's pissing mee off. Its all green bay this green bay that
  7. We cannot let up. No Indy repeats. Please stay aggressive and don't give them life. That's all I ask
  8. I think our guys decided to make a statement with this game
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