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Everything posted by Pimpdaddy

  1. Whoa...Riv sucking water...who woulda thunk it.... We've had a lot sht in CLT recently...
  2. Mayfield can be our next Delhomme or our next Rodney Peete... not sure where that fits in on our current situation....but we're in QB purgatory hell...so, herd them in and herd them out.... Less u ridin Golden Corral...which I am... he can play or he can't go on to 2023...fk it...
  3. Pretty much.... take ur lumps now.... still feel better about easing him in...Sam will give that opportunity.
  4. Yea...he is a big xfactor. He could be the next Brees or the next Darnold depending on if hes actually matured and had a wakeup call. He has all the physical tools...but he seems to have a propensity to alienate and rub team members the wrong way with his tood and ego. If ur still in it to win it this year...hes the best chance we have... I take no pride in saying that. One year deal...we could do worse. Just don't throw Corral to the wolves this year ...my fear is turning him into David Carr under the ineptitude of this coaching staff...
  5. ...Love to just jack slap this little beotch....
  6. LMAO...100k...and he has to dispense the Gatorade... draft linemen outta OSU...not QB's, RBs and WR's...
  7. We've been so spoiled by Luke....nobody will ever measure up... but LB is a weak spot...however they mix it..
  8. ... Jayzus...used car salesman BS... I feel like we're in that ragtag bad news bears situation... good talent if you can get it to perform...we can go 4-13 or 10-7...but if its the former...i feel like the chrome cranial head of tepper will bring his azz back next year. Just ready to see what we got. We'll know by Nov...and then the BS will start all over again..
  9. If and when the new stadium is built, ur gonna get pounded for a lot more money to keep that PSL...its not gonna just transfer. you will have first rights to purchase new.... u'll pay, the city might pay...tep wont pay...thats how he got to be a billionaire..... great gig if you can get it.
  10. Competition brings out the best in everyone...except Robby...he already got paid...
  11. ....yea... but look at Smitty...nobody thought that was gonna happen.
  12. ...Maybe they are looking at the effort being put forth by the varsity team.
  13. ...Tep looking like a real sleazeball. If you think he made those billions not screwing someone over, I have some cock I want to sell you....Hes a money man and that is all he cares about...wait till that new stadium proposal gains traction.... this guy is bad news if ur a Panthers lover.
  14. we're four years in to never being relevant again... barring a miracle....
  15. ...I was so high on Shelton, he folded like a cheap Walmart lawn chair...
  16. ...Does Robbie realize he is the Sam Darnold of wide receivers? Nobody gives a damn what you think....he acts like hes relevant. The day you are off this team is the day I uncork the Dom....
  17. ...somebody just banged ur girl friend...you gonna go to dinner with the both of them?
  18. ...after he booted Smitty...that was it for me... in retrospect, he made hurney look competent...
  19. ...Scot was home schooled...his mom had to hold up the 'laugh' sign for him.... either that or he was a mean azz nun in a previous life...
  20. Brees just wanted to make up a little money on that bad diamond investment...
  21. ...i think hes washed as a running back....maybe McAdoo can figure out something to limit the further damage.... nothing like a hobbled running back on a max contract...
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