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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. Most of us knew we had little shot even after getting the tie. We knew how the game went. We knew we'd need the best defense of the night for the final seconds against the Pats best offense all season. But it's unforgivable to muff that kick there and hand them the game. So no.
  2. Shame there's not a baseball sub, but anybody else still a fan? Games are far more accessible to be watched now with pitch clocking, and the huge shift to straight power lineups has created more scoring. Braves, Rays, Dodgers and Houston are far and away the best teams in the league, and the Braves may be a historically great team by the end of October.
  3. lightsout

    Diablo IV

    Yeah the Diablo audience has and always will be casual. Hardcore guys will play hardcore mode and try to get as deep into endgame as possible that way, that's their grind and that's fine. Most of us are content getting level 80 and slowly climbing from there.
  4. That's about where I land. I fully expected a 2 year deal at most. But again, he took a friendly deal. No big deal either way.
  5. Ok, theoretically, let's just say Peace isn't going anywhere. Let's say we give him his payday and Aho waits out for his money next off-season. How much of our available money gets tied up in the Peace deal? Because there's no chance he's taking a cut, at least I wouldn't think. At best he'd eat it all up, we're moving SOMEBODY. So what is the play?
  6. Pesce gone. Skjei bumped up, Tony in Skjei's old shoes. Only thing I can think. He's a known, and though he's not great, we know we can win playoff games with him on the ice. That said....please no. Lol. Edit: I say bumped up for Skjei as in "seen as our 3rd dman. He's still a second pair but our 3rd pairing is too cohesive and we need that guy who can get plugged the way we did Skjei
  7. Pesce about to be gone. No shot we can afford him after inking Aho. Could be wrong, but that means our lines are gonna look different quickly.
  8. 4 years for Jordan is...odd. Unpopular take I know but even at that number, he doesn't have 4 years in him I don't think. At least not at the level of play we expect out of him. He's entering that Justin Williams return to Carolina territory where sure he'll lead us, win faceoffs and generally be a great guy, but it's time. I'm fine for next season, but if we need a spark, his spot is literally the spot to inject somebody fresh imo.
  9. Yeah but let's think here. Strictly X's and O's football, even accounting for terminology, every other position needs to focus on and understand their own role, maybe the guy immediately next to them, and for RBs, just understanding the aim point or the blocking scheme. QBs have to be aware of it all. So for a staff, getting the rest of the team there mentally is far easier. It's just adding a wrinkle or scheme. Example: For the QB, it's a new mesh point, with a play action off of it and understanding the blocking scheme and the pocket and the route combinations and the timing. Whereas everybody else? A variation of everything they've been doing + timing. Not to mention, I imagine at the pro level introducing new concepts into your playbook is largely just refreshing guys on stuff they maybe ran at some point in high school or college or other teams in the league and just getting that tighter as opposed to teaching something fundamentally different and new.
  10. I think this site is just going to persist in this state until he gets tired of maintaining it and shuts it down for good.
  11. Grass is never coming back under Tepper because it's trendy. Several county high schools moving to terf as well around me. It's like the spread. Once it started catching on, suddenly everybody wanted it because "it looks better" and it's easier to maintain. The issues it causes are just accepted at this point.
  12. Dale Earnhardt Memorial Field (if we're raising hell, we have to also praise Dale) Mint Field (honestly partial to it) Vault Stadium (obvious but still a cool name)
  13. lightsout

    Diablo IV

    Well in WT 1 and 2. I think the nerfs hit harder in endgame.
  14. Yeah Brad is a genuinely talented guitarist who just enjoys country. I think he could write riffs in just about any genre though for at least one full album and it be good as hell. Honestly a fair number of country artists, or at least guys who play behind country artists are usually metal or punk guys at heart who take work where they can get it lol
  15. lightsout

    Diablo IV

    Watching the WW Barbs taking the nerfs hard makes me glad I dialed in a Bleed build from the jump. Once they sort out the aspects that are busted the game will be in near perfect shape. Best launch of a game in forever though. Can't recall a game launching with so few issues in recent memory.
  16. Agreed completely. Aho has to learn to make chances in big games. If he doesn't he will never be as good as he is on paper. All the goals through 82 games mean jack poo if you're not netting them in the post season
  17. Right. Svech is gonna be our "need a guy to go get one" player. Aho is the "sit lower circle and wait for a one t" player. And that's ok. Shame we didn't have Svech. Next year, hopefully
  18. Actually, we need assist men because I firmly believe Aho needs that. He's not going to generate scoring alone. Needs to be fed
  19. Florida but purely so I can laugh at the Knights bandwagon fans I know
  20. Really? I mean his +/- is impressive in the regular season but he absolutely disappeared in the post season. His impact was extraordinarily minimal which is to be expected being a 3rd pairing guy but still. He's good, but 3rd pair dmen are not exactly hot commodities. Do you see him becoming a 2nd pair guy?
  21. I'm so pissed we got knocked out because I feel like we could handle either of these teams. They both seem so meh.
  22. Gonna depend. Chatfield is 100% replaceable. Is he the best we can get for the value as a bottom pair defenseman? If there's anybody better at roughly the same price, you have to entertain that or he has to come in a hair cheaper than he'd maybe like. I don't view him as a must-keep yet. Though I do like the guy and would be kinda bummed if he left.
  23. Every time I think I've been a decent man, I remember there's the Slavin's of the world. fug.
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