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Everything posted by chknwing

  1. Players are out of position to make plays.
  2. Pay this man. He balls out every week. Frankie Luvu
  3. as an offensive coordinator, what play do you call when, your oline cant block, your qb cant throw, and your all star running back has a bad wheel.
  4. true but the oline has let sam down. he ran for his life that last game. Hes trying to make something happen. Hes not getting alot of support from the play calling, his wr dropping balls, and the oline being made of paper. Play calling is the biggest issue right now. its not an NFL caliber offense. If you know what carolina is about to call sitting on your couch, so does the defense. Thats very difficult for your qb. Sam is making alot of mistakes because hes been thrust into a position where he has to try and force something to happen. The staff is too young imo. Carolina is playing at a low budget college team level.
  5. expectations were far too high for this season, the team, and Darnold. This is a work in progress. Early season success had created an opportunity for disappointment. Come down off the ledge. It's going to be ok. Lets finish rebuilding the team, get atleast a full year to have the team gel together before we allow those super bowl expectations to sneak back in.
  6. moore didnt do his job, he was suppose to chip the safety
  7. well, signing Cam is going to happen at some point. He will want to retire a panther. why not a little earlier.
  8. His return and interception ignited this team. Glad he's back.
  9. Carolina just took the fans hopes and dreams of a playoff season this year and put a bullet in it. Next up, top 10 pick.
  10. part of the problem is the Panthers Oline is so bad they have to use more players to block, RB, TE etc this allows for an easier time for the secondary to cover and no real check down option.
  11. Moore has had the dropsies as well. I think they need to spreading the ball around to some of the other guys. Shi Smith is fast. dont get me started on that end around to the TE. Huge face palm.
  12. problem is the staff got their expectations on the team way too high. that pressure falls on Sam Darnolds shoulders, which is a bit unfair. He needs time to find his rhythm with this team just like anyone else. Hes not getting a whole lot of help. Oline, WR, OC have been as bout as terrible as it gets. His only glimmer of hope, watches from IR.
  13. Shaq being out hurts the defense. The defense has great players individually but they are not communicating well without Shaq.
  14. Shaq is the qb of the defense, and he was out.
  15. having time to throw and no one to throw to doesnt really help. The wr ran lazy routes, didnt get open. The Viking corners ran better routes than the wr did.
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