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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. Luvu and Robinson both bring that crazy passion you need on a team....
  2. Marty Mornhinweg He's the only one that will take the job as is....
  3. Maybe he'll also learn how to play the entire CB position on another team too because he gets burnt to a crisp by other teams.
  4. Shocker playing their role in driving conversation on the Huddle.
  5. I like Slavin out there with one of our first liners and Staal against a really good team.
  6. Someone has to make sure Matt Rhule has some awareness of this. This is troll gold.
  7. Nice response by the boys after Calgary made it a one goal game. We need to play better tomorrow with Florida coming to town. Hopefully we get all the calls since we are at home like the Panthers did in our first game with them. Hope Bear is OK.
  8. I passed you a beer, but I will be spouting hellfire and brimstone if this poo happens. Again, the best decision Tepper can make is blow this poo up, swallow the fact that he made a terrible hire, know 2022 is going to suck azz and get a HC and staff with NFL experience....he would be able to hire someone if he did this!!
  9. Yep, the Panthers were solved in week 4 and nothing has changed since. Rhule and his staff make no adjustments whatsoever and seem to think a college/high school level playbook on both sides of the ball is just fine. This is why he needs to go....he is out of his league and I guarantee you he knows it. If he wants to survive he brings in an experienced NFL OC/Head Coach to coordinate his offense and let that coordinator have a lot of say in filling out the offensive staff. He also needs to bring in some defensive staff with some NFL experience as well. I know Snow is probably safe if Rhule is, but maybe hire a special assistant to the DC who has experience at the pro level. We gotta make some wholesale changes and if Rhule is smart he does it. If he is stubborn and Tepper let's him have his way I don't even want to watch the clown show they put out there in 2022. I am fed up with this mediocrity.
  10. You are right and I hope he continues to say no! It would set us back and even as good as he has been, I just don't see him making us more competitive for what his cost would be. I think keeping Rhule just makes the fan base disinterested in even seeing what he does next year. I just don't think things get better....as a Panther fan I'd love to be proved wrong if we keep him.
  11. How does getting Watson, who clearly doesn't want to be here help anything at all from both a draft capital, salary cap, and image perspective? Cut bait....he'll only end up burning us. I still say Rhule should be fired. He just isn't cut out for this and he isn't going to like bringing in a former NFL head coach to be a coordinator. I mean I get the feeling from the interview that Tepper is going to basically demand Rhule to retool his offensive staff. Given that, our defense isn't as good as people think and I believe there need to be changes there too. I just think it's better to walk Rhule and Company to the door, find a real NFL coach who can put together an NFL staff and keep our draft picks, get Fitterer and the new HC on the same page and know 2022 is going to be ugly but give the fan base some hope.
  12. Yeah running to the Giants with the Panthers offer was all I needed to not totally trust him. What that tells me is he wanted the same or more money and power and the Giants were like... "umm NO."
  13. I was thinking maybe Deonte was getting conditioned for some time at FS..... With him actually saying he'd like to learn to play C I know Meyer and Rhule have already mind fugged the guy into thinking he can't play his natural position and is desperate to get on the field somehow.
  14. Here we thought we'd have a dangerous offense this year with CMC, Robby, DJ, TMJ, and Smith as a dangerous slot receiver. That never developed because we had traffic cones for an offensive line with Moton as the lone exception. We extended Robby based on his play in 2020 and he hasn't lived up to expectations at all. CMC has become glass since signing his huge extension for some reason....just seems really weird. DJ has been OK this year, but he has regressed from last season as well despite reaching 1K again, he has way more drops and has not blocked nor ran his routes with the urgency needed. I don't know if this is completely on the O-line and Sam or not, but it just seems weird that these guys haven't met expectations. Do they all know they are fighting a losing battle with our O-line and QB situation? Are they disenfranchised about it? TMJ and Smith haven't received the playing time I thought they would so it's too early to pass judgement on them, both have shown flashes of being solid players for us. Tremble and Hubbard have been pleasant surprises for the most part....Tremble especially and with some good coaching I think Hubbard can improve at the RB position. He isn't a great RB at catching the ball, but with our WRs and Tremble he probably wouldn't have to be great. I would try to trade CMC if (and it's a big if) we could get decent value for him. It frees up a lot of money and I would hope we could maybe get a 2nd and maybe a 4th for him....may be more like a 3rd and 4th due to the last two years and his contract. If CMC goes somewhere else and balls out then I absolutely know he packed it in due to our O-line situation....he is trying to extend his career and doesn't want to be ran into the ground by this coaching staff and pathetic situation. I'd like to keep DJ and the rest of our skill position players with the exception of Darnold and Thomas. Both of them are expendable, but I do realize that trading Darnold would probably cost more than what the trade is worth. With Thomas if we could find a FA TE with a little more desire to play an entire game and play until the whistle I would let him walk. He has had his moments, but he doesn't play hard and is soft IMO. Keep our 1st round pick and grab the best offensive lineman available. An elite LT would be great, but any elite offensive lineman with the exception of RT would be welcomed. I have watched a lot of Christensen at LT and believe he can do the job with more experience and better coaching. If we can grab that elite LT then shift Christensen over to LG and hopefully we have shored up the left side. I wish we had seen more of Brown at RG because preseason film on him was pretty damn good. I don't know why Brown hasn't been given an opportunity because he mauled people when he played...maybe it is conditioning but my goodness he can't be worse than Miller. If we had some idea of how he'd perform from some actual game time we might have an idea that the right side of our o-line can be better next year and in the future. Center is another issue as well. Elflein looks better at C than anywhere else, but he also has been a liability quite a bit on stunts and being bull rushed. I don't know if there is a FA Center worth going after or maybe one in the draft, but it's also a position we need help with. I'd trade Burns to attempt to recoup a late 1st rounder and hopefully a 3rd round pick. Burns is a very good pass rusher, but he overplays his rushes quite a bit and is a liability in the run game. Other teams know this so it would take a team who wants him purely as a pass rushing specialist....I don't know if there's a team out there that would do it. He may only net us a 2nd and 3rd. I'd let DJax walk. He's been a better tackler overall this year, but his ceiling is a 2 CB and that is being generous. Teams have scorched him and I am guessing he thinks he should get 1 CB money....gotta walk away from that. TL, DR: Attempt to trade CMC, Darnold, and Burns to ease future cap issues and hopefully recoup some picks in the draft. Keep our 1st rounder and pick the best Offensive lineman available. With our other picks wherever we are pick the top Offensive lineman available. This has got to be fixed to have any kind of hope for next season.
  15. I wasn't a fan of Brady's situational play calling, but I still think he couldn't implement all of his playbook due to the offensive line (Moton excluded) not being able to hold a block long enough to allow WR routes to be ran. Also, after Sam started seeing ghosts he had to deal with that element of his QB having happy feet and forcing throws - not looking at his progressions because well the o-line. CMC going down didn't help things either. Brady was a scapegoat pure and simple.
  16. I 1000% believe we can achieve this new record. It's the vision and development we can't see.
  17. If you watch all these clips you see some good play by Moton and Christensen.
  18. Christensen played pretty well yesterday. I think he held his own and I saw him work his man around and behind Sam multiple times giving Sam time. It's the interior O-line that is killing us. Christensen and Moton handled the edges well, but Sam still couldn't step up in the pocket a lot and held the ball too long.
  19. It's like these offensive lineman haven't been coached on how to handle stunts or CB/S blitzes. Of course when you are shuffling your "versatile" linemen in and out of games you can never have a line that will communicate well and gel over the course of the season. Another example of why this coaching staff needs their walking papers.
  20. I think Deonte Brown can be a solid guard *if* he really wants to be. Coming into the draft the big knock on him was controlling his weight and putting in the work....if that dude would do that I think he would be a steal. Same thought I had during the draft. I want to see him play and go from there. It could be really eye opening that this coaching staff didn't allow this guy to get any game time in and develop if he does do a better job than what we have out there. He can't be worse than Miller until proven otherwise. Miller is nothing more than a traffic cone allowing our QBs to get killed.
  21. All different types of personalities on this board, the reactionary ones tend to do that.
  22. This has been Shaq's best season. He will never be Luke or TD, but he has grown and shows leadership. The couple of games he was out we definitely missed him quite a bit. I like what he said about if you don't want to play then you aren't needed.....speaks volumes about the locker room right now. Some players have packed it in.
  23. I will actually be upset if he is successful in his 3rd year....it means this clown show will get another year or two to completely destroy the team because they will.
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