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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. I remember feeling that way every off season. Now that I have less time in my life overall, the off season flies by. I have a new coworker that I have quickly befriended, and he's a Saint's fan. I told him today that he's the on Saint fan I've ever liked, so he better not waste the friendship!! LOL I'm still more than ready for football, but that's how I am, regardless of the time of year.
  2. I have no hate.for Wilson. He is an over rated qb, on a great.team. this is also his only opportunity to get the money that he and his agent are trying to get. Every single guy here would do the same thing, whether they admit it or not. He's not being greedy, the NFL is set up like this. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
  3. nope. Never been to Georgia. Unless I go there for a Panther game in Atlanta, i can't say it's even on my list of American places I intend to visit.
  4. First, I want to say I love ya SCP! Second, how idiotic is Falcon Nation that they willing agreed/signed up for a sphincter of a Stadium? "HELL YEAH I WANNA GET UP IN THAT SPHINCTER!!!!" MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  5. Matt is the better pocket passer, and has touch on throws that need them. Cam is bigger, stronger, more athletic, has been more of a game changer than Matt has ever been. Cam will continue to grow, where i think we've seen Matt's best. Not going to comment on the fan in the video, cause i haven't seen it, and thanks to the many descriptions provided for him, I'll pass on wasting my time watching the video.
  6. People that hate, will see hate wherever they look.
  7. thank you for telling.me what i already know. What is happening, and I'm still offended by the overly sentive people that make up the vocal part of society. Your can paint it however you want to. Thanks for playing.
  8. Rooting for major success for this guy. Simply for the fact that I can easily imagine how successful Jonathan Stewart and company would be running behind Lee Ward. Wow
  9. I'm offended by the stupidity of others every day. If we were to to prohibit everything that is offensive to people, then we most certainly would not have our freedoms.
  10. then how come the people it's suppose to offend, don't care? Seriously.
  11. It was an expose' i saw on TV last year. No link to share, as much as I'd love for more people to know the truth behind the bullshit our government does for us. I also love that we have to told what equates to a racial slur.
  12. se looks thrilled cause she got PAID. . Sweet gig. ------------ This was suppose to be seperate posts. Not thrilled they were merged. Being called "white" is a racial slur. Where is my rights and my money?
  13. I know a lot of natives, and none of them are offended by the name of Washington D.C.'s team. I also know when the lobbyists originally started to find people who were offended by it, they couldn't find any. Did that stop them? Hell no, they got their agenda to divide the nation, and keep us distracted while they continue to rape us. So they PAID natives to stand up against the Redskins. Why not, our government wasn't giving them enough money already. I'm glad that Dan Snyder is sticking to his guns. He has finally earned respect from me. I'm also glad that state laws will help him having to ever give up the redskins name. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
  14. They are fun to drive. Just cost of ownership is through the roof. I'd take one of these before a BMW.
  15. I don't see any fat. I do see that he has fallen for marketing on the BMW. That wouldn't had even been my 5th choice.
  16. I was just poking fun at Russell Wilson. Not his beliefs. To bad the thread couldn't stay that way.
  17. God told me to bed a lot of ladies when i was younger
  18. The Saints are doing the best thing they possibly can, by going to a more run heavy offense. It'll improve their defense by simply keeping their defense off the field more. With some new talent on the defensive side of the ball, that should be good enough for a defense ranked in the middle of the pack. Will it be enough to get them back to the top of the division? I don't think so, I'm not even convinced they'll improve enough to get out of the NFCS cellar.
  19. It's has been that way for years. Common sense and common courtesy has been replaced by the common idiot. Yay for modern society!!!
  20. Strong running games sure do lead to more big plays down the field.
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