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Everything posted by mav1234

  1. "what's your data?!?!?!" *ignores meta analysis, finds single NFL organization that is being defacto run by one of the most progressive people in the NFL In Ron Rivera, highlights it*
  2. lol, 2019 was the lowest score the NFL has gotten since the early 2000s for race and gender hiring. Thankfully it got better in 2020, but we'll see if that trend holds. as to my "preferred solution", it is going to depend on the entity in question. you can't make a blanket policy for all positions and all organizations, which is why organizations need to adopt a fundamental goal of diversity as important. as to the WFT, I don't give a poo about single teams tbh. Look at the NFL as a whole and sports in general. Look at the percentage of white athletes and look at what positions they hold lol
  3. before we get to solutions, you seem unconvinced by the data. look, all it takes is a google search to find a TON of info on this. but here: https://www.pnas.org/content/114/41/10870 there's tons of other examples if you put in some leg work. but if you don't know this, its because you have chosen to remain blind about the reality. as to solutions... this article has a few: https://www.livecareer.com/resources/careers/planning/black-job-seekers-face-racial-bias-in-hiring-process
  4. do you dispute his point or just his auto-correct on his phone the best person for a job should be hired. but often, the exact best person comes down to subjective decisions where minorities lose out. studies have shown this, the data backs it up, unconscious bias is fuging over minorities from positions they are equally qualified for.
  5. I didn't like JR, at all. But he always came across as someone with some belief that he was upholding the pride & ... integrity or whatever of the Carolinas. Back in 2010, he called a bunch of us fans that wrote angry notes (lol, no joke - I dunno if the archives exist here now but a bunch of us talked about it), and one thing that stood out was he seemed to care MUCH more about appearances than the reality of the team. His focus when he called me was all about how he was disappointed in how the season looked, not on the fact the roster was fuged. Even when he was a sleezy motherfuger, I wouldn't be surprised if someone was able to appeal to how this was what was best for the region... while saving him money and embarrassment in case the NFL decided to come down hard on him.
  6. some environments are conducive to success and good decision making by players across the board. others are not. Hard to argue Darnold was the only one making bad decisions on the Jets last year... and this stat does suggest that's the case.
  7. This includes offense and defense. He also wasn't healthy. 30th isn't a bad spot given last year and this being O+D. If he's healthy all year, he's probably top 20 or top 15 next year.
  8. True he wasn't ultra consistent. If he was, we would have had to pay more. That said ... He didn't start until week 6, had 7 games with at least 1 sack (5 as a starter), 3 games with forced fumbles, and 16 qb hits. So he was getting to the QB more than just one game.
  9. It isn't different and help was brought as soon as is reasonable. You're right.
  10. God, how horrible. For this to happen live too... at least he got immediate attention. It's crazy but sometimes heart issues happen out of seemingly nowhere ... I hope they're able to get to the bottom of it and he has no lasting risk of another incident. Hot takes for internet cred in this thread ... disappointing.
  11. 20th just seems really low... Should be in the top of the league, period.
  12. Unfortunately, the huddle has its fair share of poo posters that take it out on others.
  13. I'll buy coaches can have a huge impact on players, and so to that end, schools can be better or worse at producing players of specific positions. But I don't think you can assume that a player will be bad from his school, particularly over his tape, and especially if he's the first guy out of a new coach's system.
  14. Honestly I think there is some truth to what he said. ALL of us noted how poor situational offensive play calling was, and that was especially true in the 2 minute drill. I also think overall he comes off as very professional and understanding that he had a shot and didn't make it here. He doesn't come off to me as being blameless.
  15. I was okay for a deal like this for Watson before everything came out because Watson was young enough his time as a Panther would have out lived the lack of draft picks given up for him. Not so sure that is true of Rodgers.
  16. its true we have no idea how Darnold will perform under pressure here, but he did have 4 game winning drives in his first couple years (out of 11 total wins), despite the team around him being not very good at all. It is worth mentioning that in 2 of his 3 seasons, Darnold threw more TDs than Teddy ever has in 1 season... and the last 3 years, Darnold has averaged 8.4 intended air yards per completion - and approximate measure of depth of target - while Teddy only averaged 6.8. While 8.4 vs 6.8 may not seem like much, when we're talking about averages across a game that adds up to a few more deep shots per game. Of course this kind of thing is heavily influenced by the offense the team is running so a direct comparison is a little unfair. but I won't be satisfied with just better than Teddy. Maybe next year. But if we're going to be passing on a 1st round QB I want Darnold to be a guy to build the franchise around. I hope he is.
  17. Treating Darnold like a rookie isn't exactly the same as saying he is basically one. Rookies get 3-4 years to prove themselves. Darnold has already had that. He will now get 1 to 2 more. Darnold has 1 to show he isn't as bad as he looked in NY, and 1 more to prove he can lead a franchise. He's a bust we are trying to rehabilitate. There are some signs we can. We will see.
  18. Imagine the last couple years if we had this guy clearing the way on 4th and 1 and at the goal line... Damn.
  19. As someone that missed large swaths of night two, I didn't even really get a full grasp of what we did. This breakdown is actually useful for me just to see the outcome, not cast judgment either way.
  20. I don't get why so many commentators are confused by this. There may have been a scenario in which we don't pick it up, but that is only because you never rule out insane things from the draft. I'm pretty sure Fitterer implied we would pick it up with the way he referred to a plan for the 5th year option... that's how I read it, anyway. Darnolds extension isn't peanuts but it also isn't back-breaking. They are clearly setting him up in almost every way possible to succeed. More than that, we finally have a front office that is trying to work the draft itself, and that made the draft far more interesting than it has been before for me.
  21. Draft strategy was sound and we added some good, athletic players. I'll judge the draft haul itself sometime in the future, but my excitement for the season is higher than I expected given the passing on Fields. I understand CB was a massive need and Horn is a great prospect, I just was a bit of a Fields homer the last couple years. These guys know more than I do so hopefully Darnold balls out. I think he is given every chance to now... the weapons we will have around him... wow.
  22. I have to admit I'm much more excited for this season than I was a couple days ago when we passed on Fields. The roster has a lot more talent than many Panthers teams I've watched. Darnold only needs to be a bit better than teddy and this team has a chance to be competing for a wild card spot IMO. If he actually takes major positive steps the offense will be real fun to watch.
  23. Although I think racism plays a big role in the labeling of black and white QBs, I think building around Darnold isn't about race but about the organization having different priorities from its current vs past management. It's hard for me to say the organization didn't put Teddy in a position to succeed for instance, but Cam rarely was until the damage was done unfortunately and we had basically ruined a potential HoF level talent...
  24. THE Zack Sanchez I just made the mistake of looking at our draft history after round 2.
  25. To an extent they did, especially the first year with the pair of TEs we had. But it took them years into his tenure to draft a WR in the first three rounds, and the OL was a huge problem and they never seemed to commit to fixing it the way they would positions on the defense.
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