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Move the Panthers to Raleigh

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Everything posted by Move the Panthers to Raleigh

  1. Just got off work. Bout to chill on the couch and take in this Tampa/LA game. Hope it’s good
  2. This has to be the "straw that broke the camel's back" in terms of managing CMC's workload while active. It's really no surprise he's having durability issues.
  3. I was worried we were gonna be his break-out game last night. Romo-esque nightmares
  4. Admittedly, I was a hater of the amount of investment in the defense, but it has clearly paid dividends so far.
  5. Last time I heard this much confidence was SB 50 against the Broncos
  6. Can we just fuging relax on the playoff talk this early in the season?
  7. I don’t even like them, but ECU is living rent-free in your head, man.
  8. How many times have we watched a no-name QB go off on this team? This is not a gimme
  9. If one creature could epitomize an entire fan base, it’s that one
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