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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Rhule is the Darnold of HCs. So maybe there is another Tepper out there running things lol
  2. And there was Slater but people here still want Fritts next year. It's like the bread where you use some of the last batch to make a new batch. We keep acting surprised it's contaminated when we are still using the dough with mold in it...
  3. People loved Hurney too... No matter how you spin it, Fritterer had a hand in this mess and incompetence. Hell, just being Rhule's GM should be enough to want to go in a different direction. What hire did Rhule make with his staff here that was ever a good hire? Yeah we need a new GM or we will be in the same sad spot in another 2 years, maybe worse.
  4. I don't really dislike the guy enough to wish that on him.
  5. But not day of sales. Those are not shared and do matter. The thing about billionaires is they tend to have egos to match their bank accounts. This is his team and it represents him in many ways. He cares, now we need to see him un-fug the mess he made. If Tepper didn't care at all Cam wouldn't be back and we would have had to watch PJ and Barkley. Caring and being good/competent are not mutually inclusive.
  6. Talent and coaching is an issue here. They can't find it and they wouldn't know what to do with it anyways. Also, expecting Fritts to bring in good olinen is hilarious. That dude is 0-4 last offseason at this point. Nothing is going to change with this crew, they are all awful.
  7. What is like a tie but both sides lose? Double forfeit? This is like asking which turd looks prettier. It's all crap man. The loser is all of us who had to watch this crew shart it all up for 2 years of football.
  8. Fire everyone. The pro-personnel people, the GM and the coaching staff. I'm cool with Morgan as long as he doesn't spend anymore time with the rest of the garbage. Tepper should be working on hiring the expert to bring in to do the heavy lifting. If they keep the trash in place then nothing is going to change. The house is infested with incompetence. Burn it or have it infect the next staff.
  9. You know we have to do the free agent pickups this offseason. They bet wrong and now we will either do a bad contract for us or let him walk for jacksh$t. So same old Panthers, different faces lol
  10. I don't think just coaches changes it, there is a lot of front office staff I would have to see also changed. I have so little faith in so many places in this organization. We will see but first we have to finish the season. Hahaha
  11. So what does the process look like when they decide on who plays where on the line?
  12. As Panther fans, we have seen some bleak seasons. Your right about 2010, we knew we were getting a top 3 pick and a new staff, but we all knew Hunrey would be there to muck it up. This year? We can only guess with this mess. I'll still watch but I'm not too serious about it all. Just enjoy the day, multitasking with other fun things. I do a lot of laughing but I have a dark sense of humor.
  13. Still Slater and it's not close. Yall want to pretend Mac would look good here? No one would look good playing QB for the Panthers. I bet he would look like Sam by the end of the year...
  14. No one is escaping the coaching or that line. It's really reached a new level of awful.
  15. Watch Panther football, drink, play video games and wait for the firing season to start. Fug this staff and front office.
  16. It's looking like a poop-sandwich for sure. Who are we trading for picks? No good answers...
  17. JFC, what's the point of tanking when we pissed away our 2nd and 3rd. Too early to think about. As long as any of these fools are employed I don't want to think about how they will fug this offseason up like the last one.
  18. I like Dan but putting this mess on his plate is a hell of a thing. IF he was GM then he has to do the hiring of a new HC with a newer owner and some firing. That's a lot. I want to keep him but I think Tepper needs an old hand for his learning and the stability that would provide would set up Morgan to takeover. Even 2 years from an older guy would get us out of the hole this crew dug. I just don't want to screw over another guy who could be great by dumping this mess in their lap. We went extreme with the Rhule crowd, put to many people in bad positions with little help around them. I would love to see some baby-steps first. Not just for Dan but for Tepper and to help clean out the dead weight that Hurney put into place in the front office. Again, nothing against Dan but we have some cancer that needs to be irradiated before we can expect a guy like him to have a chance here.
  19. Either he moves to WR or we need to find a way to be without him. Love the guy and his skills but RB should be cheap and replaceable. He is done as a RB, just wasted talent at this point in that position.
  20. Too soon after this much staff lacking experience for me. I would like to bring in an old hand for a couple of years, then we could promote Morgan. I'm just shell-shocked from this staff's lack of experience and flat learning curve. I liked Berry and the guy from the 49ers, both didn't want this job given the situation (they were right lol). Morgan has upside but way too early to put him in at GM for me.
  21. Fire them all...at the end of the season. I wouldn't mind seeing the Oline coach fired. I think there should be an intern around that could coach on his level or better. I just can't believe someone else can't take on those duties and do a better job than that guy.
  22. Regardless of Cam's current abilities, we have bigger problems than QB play right now. Would anyone look good with us right now? I just can't see that answer as a yes on any level.
  23. This is just bad decisions heavily influenced by a lack of experience by Tepper. It started by keeping Hurney and letting him contaminate this new staff. Hopefully we will burn it all down and sanitize it before rebuilding the staff after this one is done embarrassing itself. If Tepper wants a NFL expert to help him, he needs to go find one now. There isn't anyone in house that can help with this mess, it's a bunch of overpromoted and inexperienced people on hand.
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