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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. He’s the pick. Let’s hope they get the right OL in front of him.
  2. If they trade down for Richardson after giving up Moore. Yikes…
  3. Here is a newer article at the S2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2023/03/21/nfl-s2-cognition-quarterbacks/ After a few years of vetting, S2 expanded to a small group of teams, including the Bills, Indianapolis Colts and Kansas City Chiefs. It later began to work with up to two teams per division, including the Panthers and Washington Commanders. Among the 117 quarterbacks S2 had tested up to the 2022 draft, the 13 with career passer ratings above 90 averaged an S2 score (91) that was 40 percentile points higher than those with career passer ratings below 90. Those top-tier quarterbacks tested significantly better in seeing the full field (tracking capacity), picking up on tendencies (instinctive learning), filtering through “if-then” rules during plays (decision complexity) and focusing amid stimuli (distraction control).
  4. The Wonderlic was a general intelligence test. The S2 is supposed to just test how fast you process visual input and how many moving objects (think players) you can keep track of at once.
  5. That’s why he hit on them. While the teams before him took the best of high positional value players, Hurn would take the best guy at a low positional value. Boom, can’t miss.
  6. Yeah, he was close to someone in the Texan’s FO if I remember right.
  7. Yeah, they had worse padding and helmets and they could hit QBs much harder.
  8. That was just Rhule trolling us.
  9. That is what Klein is saying. The Panthers don’t want a torn fan base on draft night and have half that stadium feel disappointed. That thinking makes sense to me. Warn people ahead of time so the feels aren’t as raw.
  10. I’m saying they are leaking the pick because they are NOT taking the safe pick.
  11. You know what I mean. Trusted as in trusted by the FO guys not to just blurt out ‘Fit told me x’.
  12. Stroud fans just won’t show up. Having fans show up with Stroud/Levis/AR signs would not be the best look. I get what they are doing. It seems most of these Bryce to CAR stuff is coming from Mortensen and King types. The old trusted guard.
  13. Yeah, but the Panthers don’t want half the stadium booing the pick.
  14. Didn’t know Montana started out in the NFL at 185 lbs.
  15. The choice is between someone with Elite processing speed and football IQ but with durability concerns or someone with Dak Prescott football IQ and processing but better accuracy. Bryce is a small Mahomes. CJ is an accurate Dak.
  16. The draft is already a lottery. No need to inject even more randomness into it.
  17. AR-15 will bust out of the league. Count on it.
  18. ESPN just had a radio report a few hours ago stating they know for a fact we are taking Bryce….lol.
  19. We’d have to change the shade of blue then. Process blue was a color long before Rhule came around. https://www.pantone.com/connect/PROCESS-BLUE-C
  20. The ‘sources’ these people are talking to are most likely scouts or lower level staff. The people who matter are not talking.
  21. Steak and ketchup? Marty’s meatballs?
  22. Not for it or against it, but I get the calculus. Piss off the minority of fans that go to games (who can just sell their tickets) and get millions of more viewers for these streamed games OR lose out on millions of more tv viewers to please 40,000 in-person viewers? The bigger issue for me is fair competition when some team gets more Thur nights games than others.
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