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Everything posted by Manna

  1. I would hope not. The more I listen to Wilks talk about what he expects out of his QB, he has stated a couple times that he expects Sam to extend plays with his legs when the WRs dont get open, when the O-line breaks down, etc. That's exactly what Ron expected out of Cam and it wasn't sustainable. I have never played football before so I may be wrong, but that doesnt seem to be a recipe for success. That's not how you help your QB or your team. I like Wilks but not his philosophy, and do not want that as our HC. We need some new ideas.
  2. What if we lose against Detroit but win against Tampa and NO?
  3. 2005 game against Cowboys? Source: https://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=2270894
  4. Dark times for sure, and Rhule's teams never rebounded.
  5. In years past we would have been the "get right" game.
  6. The Rhule era felt like Star Wars episode 3. Wilks taking over feels like episode 4.
  7. at least Wilks is making "Keep Pounding" great again.
  8. 1000% alright but he was pulling a John Cena so we just couldn't see it.
  9. I recall the same. The 49ers went downhill after he left until Shanahan came along.
  10. He just needs to stop talking. I'm having a real hard time being compassionate towards him, but his Narcissism just screams so loudly. He has not taken accountability on his failures and continues to point the finger to everything and everybody else. Just because you have a 7 year plan doesn't mean it's ok to lose/suck at your job along the way. I'm tired of his euphemisms and would appreciate it if he just acknowledges that he did a poor job and stop talking about us (Panthers and fans).
  11. Surtain was abused that day lol
  12. He’s just jealous because everything Wilks has been doing since he got canned is 1000% working.
  13. We would've won if Manning didn't declare retirement before the game. #cotchcaughtit.
  14. I like that he is a hometown product, but he’s very much Rivera 2.0. He likes playing a ball control offense which is great as a game plan but not as a scheme, to me at least. I’d personally prefer an offensive minded coach who also calls plays, therefore if we get a good offense we won’t be in danger of losing anyone. however, if somehow he coaches the team into the playoffs this year I’m down.
  15. The defense has been pounding lately. Up to the offense, dare I say under Darnold, to keep pounding.
  16. Wilks also said that if you are a first or second rounder, or a free agent, you are superstar players and need to be playing as superstars. I've never been in a locker room or played football (any sports), but I'm just wondering how much the scheme is impacting the superstar players. Too many factors to consider actually.
  17. I wonder if he'll speak on his inability to beat himself (DBO).
  18. I wanted Fields and was pissed we drafted Horn, but Rhule wouldn't have developed Fields. Happy to have Horn at this point and would still take Horn over Fields in a re-draft.
  19. Where we pick doesn't matter to me so long as it's ahead of all our division rivals.
  20. Based on the sample size we've seen from our current QB room sans Corral, there would be minimal difference PJ, Sam, or Baker starting.
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