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Stuart Smith

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Everything posted by Stuart Smith

  1. Some of these “bridge” quarterbacks are going to want more than you think. I think there was a reason the Panthers signed Jacob Eason.
  2. Before I would pay Brissett 15 mil I would pay 30 for Carr. Difference of 15 mil for some decent vs a place holder. 3 years max while developing a quarterback. I hope whatever happens we draft a quarterback with our first pick.
  3. Actually rather have Darnold than Brissett, but I think the Panthers fans and Tepper are ready to turn the page.
  4. I understand your feelings, I have thought about the same thing. However, if you get Brissett or Minshew you probably pay them 8 or 10 mil a year to be a bridge. If you pay Carr 32 mil a year you don’t pay the bridge quarterback. You could still draft a future quarterback and see if he or Corral shows promise. I am not advocating for this, but I understand those who think this way. I trust Reich and Company to make the best choice.
  5. I understand the feel to do these articles, it may be spot on…but it is too early. I wonder what the grade was for Kansas City in 2017 when Mahomes was drafted. He sat that year behind Alex Smith. Corral might turn out to be decent, no one knows this early.
  6. A lot of information on the Daniel Jeremiah article. I was especially intrigued that Levi’s would be able to process a lot of information. He also seemed to think Richardson would be able to, also higher on Hooker than most. He did say the unknown of Hookers ability to recover from the injury he would lean on medical staff. Thanks for sharing. 

  7. I would do this if the coaching staff feels safe that there is a pick with that. You either trust Fitt and Reich or you don’t. If they want more than this you walk away.
  8. I thought there was detailed information that was very informative, a lot to think about. I appreciate someone going to the trouble to dig this information out and share.
  9. There continues to be rumors that they might draft Stroud or Young #1 and then trading Fields. One rumor had them trading him to the Panthers for #9.
  10. Chicago may draft Young or Stroud with #1. Then trade Fields.
  11. Fields was drafted at #11. He may be available again.
  12. There continues to be noise out of Chicago that the Bears might draft Brice Young or Stroud with the number one. The rumor on at least one site had him traded to the Panthers for the #9 pick and maybe a later round pick. Should the Panthers have any interest? Would that be a better choice than Carr if the Panthers are thinking options?
  13. CMC was injured during the majority of 2 seasons, he should have less “wear and tear.”
  14. Nothing wrong with anyone who felt Wilkes deserved a chance to be head coach. Having said that, I did not pay 2.275 billion for the team. It is up to David Tepper to make decisions he feels is best. Wilkes landed in a good place. I wish people would let us move forward. We all want the same thing at the end of the day.
  15. I wish they would put Brady on the studio panel. These guys are up in years, Bradshaw keeps everyone upset with his sometimes uncalled for comments. 

  16. You would still have to give picks with Burns. Then fans would be groaning like they are about Reddick.
  17. What good does it do to tear down the defense to build the offense? We need to put someone with him to replace Reddick.
  18. Fitterer’s longetivity with the Panthers may depend on resolving the quarterback dilemma next season.
  19. I don’t think anyone is saying Sam Darnold is the long term answer, I think 99% of us realize that. The most important thing is I think Tepper is ready to move on. However, I have heard no one, and I mean no one mention an available quarterback that is head and shoulders above Darnold as a bridge quarterback. Brissett? He has had more chances than Sam and has failed everywhere. Brissett may be who Reich wants, who knows. However, When people who may think different than you are referred to as “looney tunes” it is very telling about the person posting.
  20. That is something I am watching as well. He may be the best evaluator of Darnold’s worth we have had. If we need to move on let’s do it. However, I hate to let him walk and turn into another Geno Smith for another team.
  21. I know that when Cam was healthy in his prime the Carolina Panthers were as good as anyone in the NFL for a brief window. I remember the 2015 championship game against Arizona so well. When fans entered the stadium we were given little strips of fabric with the Panther colors and logo on them. When my wife and I found our seats there was a sophisticated Gentleman and his entourage sitting near me, they were wearing the Cardinal Red. It was obvious from their demeanor they expected to win. After the game started and the Panthers were so dominant I was so proud of the panthers. The defense dominated, Ted Ginn played the game of his life. There were so many moments in that game that had the stadium rocking. To this day that remains one of the most memorable events in my life. Those moments are what I want to remember about Cam. I am glad he is financially secure and wish him the best.
  22. He is the best and most consistent center we have had in years. The intangibles he brings such as leadership matter too.
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