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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. Not much. But more than just cam threads. There are literally posters here who have pages and pages of history only posting in cam related threads. It’s the same as when he was here. You do not find that creepy/weird? What I stated was not a narrative it’s an observation.
  2. You mean an entire 8 threads offer an NFL season? If cam was doing better you bet your ass the fanboys who don’t contribute anything to this forum except Cam threads were be starting them constantly and you know it. Cam hit the market last year... He probably learned from that and took a good deal after a poo show to prove he can do better. I haven’t seen one cam hater thread all last season, just realistic posts saying he’s done, a fair assumption after 2 years on the bench and a turd in NE. Maybe he’ll come back. He actually has a superior team and coaching in every aspect in NE other than his putrid WRs, but that and better QB play is literally all NE needs to compete.
  3. Too 10 defense, top 10 oline, best special teams in the league, a HB with 5 YPC and BB as a coach... To say no no no cam needs superior weapon talent for the Patriots to win is literally saying Cam needs every single part of a team to be amazing to succeed, literally. And that’s pushing it because of his shoulder. Is cam now a qb you have to build an elite team around? I think so. The Patriots did not win game because of Cam. He was benched 3 times. Maybe Covid affected him? Maybe he had a bad year? Maybe his arm truly is done? Dunno. But he was wretched that’s a fact. There’s a reason he was signed a contract like that and @NAS video was spot on. It’s just weird the analyst see it, Pats see it, and going over to Patriots forums literally thousands of fans and are all in agreement about it. Then come to the huddle and get the real insight from creepy fanboys lol.
  4. Derp go see someone about your insecurities, they’re clearly affecting your life
  5. “Patriot fans seem excited that Cams back” wut? Lol https://patriotsfans.freeforums.net/thread/11186/position-on-cam-newton-changed https://patriotsfans.freeforums.net/thread/11185/newton-apparently-signs-year-deal https://patriotsfans.freeforums.net/thread/11038/cam-newton-patriots-2021 https://www.patriotsplanet.net/BB/threads/its-cam.69851/ https://nesn.com/2021/03/cam-newton-reportedly-re-signing-with-patriots-gets-mixed-reviews-on-social-media/ I mean I could go on, why the hell would you post some utter bullshit? Fans are rabid at the thought.
  6. If that happens it’ll pretty much be a historical, groundbreaking strategy by building an entire SB caliber oline and entire defense from 3 years worth of FAs lol. Personally - I’d bet against it.
  7. Why is this even a question? You don't just waste picks just because you need a QB. The team either believes in Jones or doesn’t. And if they don’t, pick BPA and continue to build the team while exiting fantasy Madden land and realize getting a franchise QB might take more than 1 year.
  8. First of all the point is to look. I don’t believe the Panthers were even looking. Especially with the wear and tear put on Cam. People are willing to trade a poo ton for Watson and even to move up in this draft but those efforts to find a QB were 3 years removed from cam and 4 years removed from his first surgery...to me, that seems a little late considering the time it’ll take to find one. Are those trades ‘opportunities’ or just scenarios we can go get our guy. Who is to say what ‘opportunities’ there was in the past either in the draft or FA when the team wasn’t even looking with the same said efforts. I could come up with a whole bunch or hypothetical, theoretical sceneries for the past had the Panthers been willing to give up what they will now, after the fact - it’s not the point.
  9. You still should be always looking. Hell how many QBs has Belicheck drafted in the top half of the draft with a healthy Brady? GB and Love and Rodgers before him...these teams have some forethought, Tepper did not. Thats the whole point they don’t grow on trees. Meaning 1. Always should be looking. 2. It may take time. My main points. And no I don’t count Hurney’s fetish for hometown hero’s (Grier).
  10. True, seems like he just can’t win with the fans. Kept cam on the bench hoping he’d heal for 2+ years without a second thought about investing in a new QB, then was berated by fans saying he did Cam wrong. Would've been nice to move on earlier. Same can be said with Rivera and Hurney. I’ll chalk that up to his learning curve, but it still doesn’t mean landing a QB won’t take time. Hope he keeps his head in the game, getting desperate results in bad moves....I mean that’s why we have TB.
  11. I hope not. On year removed from a franchise qb and were are desperate? I like to believe we’re just taking our lumps right now. It may realistically take a little while to land a franchise QB...just like well almost any other team that has one. All I am hoping is by the time he arrives our oline and defense case rise out of the bottom third of the NFL.
  12. You must live a tough life not being able to read between the lines, especially now days. Even as obvious as it was, this was already theoreticized by a lot of analysts at the time. I’m sorry it’s beyond you.
  13. Also JR/Hurney would have never in a million years drafted Cam and his boom/bust ability had the new rookie wage limit not been set in place that same year.
  14. The thing to remember here, JR did not hire and fire people based on results. Sure DG might not have lasted, maybe he should of stuck around until JR was gone...hell we’d be a couple years ahead of the JR, HC, GM and Cam were all replaced at the same time. Could’ve even been McD and Beane here instead. Biggest failure here not learning when to let go, something DG had down. Anyone who has followed this team for a while knows the dumbass Kalil signing was a pure JR ‘family’ move appeasing his fan favorites. Such an erratic move that conflicted with everything and anything DG did and his style made that painfully obvious. Oh well spilled milk. At least the new tenure seems to finally catch the hint that moving on quick from failure is important and things don’t need to be dragged out.
  15. An NFL to the Carolinas had more probability to exist without JR than it did without PSL owners willing to build a stadium and tax payers willing to pay for a team, as well as what the NFL saw as an areas that would generate demand. With that in mind, it was unfortunate an owner who cared more about business than winning was that person designated. I don’t think any owner ‘earned’ money from the locals to finance a team. I also don’t see it as some sort of ‘effort’. It was simply a profitable business opportunity and without JR it would have just been someone else.
  16. One man cannot possibly do that. PSL owners, demand, and tax payers made the Carolina Panthers a reality. If it wasn’t JR it would’ve been another person. Because the former 3 things (a local market and one willing to pay for a team) were there. JR was just the guy who was able to own it. Lucky for him. Unfortunate for the Carolinas.
  17. Exactly. JR cared about revenue first and foremost...of course the draft was all about who got paid most lol. It’s really was a shame is he was the owner for 20 years.
  18. Don’t know....it’s be a very weird correlation between contracts Hurney gives out and hell even players he drafts that all of sudden become complacent and siphon the team for money, reward money, injury money, and farewell money, I was going to list examples but that’s take a while... Thats per of the evaluation process though, and the GM is he person doing the evaluating. The Patriots, who dominated Super Bowls in the last 20 years for example cut ties very quickly, don’t give players injury and reward contracts, they’re the anti-Hurney in every sense. Sure it’s not perfect, but it’s on the GM evaluation abilities when players constantly get paid, or injured, or go pas their prime...then all of a sudden DGAF.
  19. Very few teams made in anywhere in the playoffs since you’ve probably been watching football with the 18th ranked oline. So not quite legit...
  20. Unless we draft a QB we plan on playing day 1, or trade for starting QB, or get a 3rd pick or more, or blatantly tanking - eating up 10m dead for TB for butthurt spite will be a bad move. Great we can easily find a QB who will push it downfield but unless he can win games or he’s basically free why waste more cap money? I don’t see any QB there at 8 you’d want to start right away.... I’m definitely not saying TB is even close to being desirable, but the contract is already done, no reason to double fug ourselves because of it. Will be interesting to see what the plan is....or if there even is one.
  21. Sounds great part of me wonders how our current oline outside of a couple names would do in this rookie OL camp lol
  22. In reality, Norwell has played at least average and far from ‘failing all over the field’ since he left but has struggled to stay on the field due to injuries. Both Turner and Norwell are almost identical in stats. I don’t blame anyone for Turner over Norwell, it was the right call simply because he was younger. But slacking off after being paid and dealing with injuries are two different scenarios. At least Norwell will give you bare minimum average play even including his injuries AND let’s be real doing that on the Jags is impressive. Where as Turner got paid and immediately fell off a cliff. It really wouldn’t be so bad to have Norwell on this team but for cheap, not with his shitty contract.
  23. Yes. Paying 2 quality olineman money is not a bad thing and Paradis will be gone after next year. Other than QB oline and dline are most important. I know in Panther land it’s the norm to pay LBs, RBs, and washed up olineman but in reality those positions are not as important. Has this team paid any quality long term olineman since gross and R Kalil left? I can’t remember any. Maybe Williams 1 year deal for 8m. Maybe Paradis who has sucked for one year and average last year. Turner? Until he was traded. Wish this team would stop trying to squeeze by with the oline year after year it just doesn’t work. And the evaluations they’ve had on olineman have been awful.
  24. I’m not too concerned, you don’t get anywhere in without being able to beat good teams Panther fans have a habit of thinking success will finally come once the Saints cap catches up with them or the older QBs in the south finally retire... but in reality if the Panthers only means of success is for others to fail, well that’s not exactly a sustainable, winning mentality sure it’d be ideal to have the Patriots bullshit schedule every year they’ve had last two decades but ultimately it shouldn’t matter if the right people are in place and make effective proactive decisions.
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