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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. Also if that bears catch out of bounds was upheld why the fug was DJs TD yesterday overturned? Pretty much the same play Lol
  2. He’s still trending up and has one hell of an arm. poo coaching and his oline isn’t great albeit has gotten better. Pittsburgh secondary is poo but I was looking at ball placement. Looks good in the pocket. You have to consider this guy came out as a raw as it gets rookie. I don’t see much that experience won’t fix. His ceiling is clearly higher than Mac. He may or may not turn out. Darnold absolutely will not turn out.
  3. man all the poo I have taken on this forum for wanting fields his stats aren’t great but the only one that matters being a rookie is he is trending up
  4. I was curious so just glancing at drafts from franchises with somewhat consistent top olines like saints, browns, post luck colts, patriots, cowboys, Bucs… the amount of olineman in general drafted is actually pretty much on par somewhat, I mean some of those teams draft olineman at least once every draft with a top half pick, and even double dip but what I notice is their later rounds, they’re able to find real talent such as patriots finding Onwenu in the 5th last year meanwhile we took some unknown CB (shocking) add that to the fact Panthers make the absolute worst oline FA decisions…can anyone name a good FA olineman that played for average or above more than a single year in our entire history? I can’t so I would say it is a lack in the ability to evaluate talent, coach talent, and lack of trying in the draft and severely overreaching/poor evaluation in FA
  5. so taking into account better quality defensive opponents/strength of schedule?
  6. As I keep telling people this is literally the worst ranked oline this franchise has ever put on the field. And as I keep correcting people, the Bell/Chandler line was ranked 22. Nothing has come close to this. Olines this bad injure players. If there is hospital anything on this team, it’s hospital blocking.
  7. didn’t matter last year when the team was essentially the same exact team - defense slightly worse but offensive line slightly better sooner or later people might have to accept that this staff cannot build a nfl offense
  8. Plug in TB on this team and you will literally replicate 2020 results. how in the world can you possibly say we be in the playoffs…literally nothing has changed offensively…except the oline is worse lol
  9. you’re arguing with cam stans still butthurt and still hanging around pretending they’re Panther fans for some reason they did not watch the nfl before 2011 and don’t understand it they and the casuals literally think this is the worst offense the Panthers have ever fielded, they also simultaneous think this oline isn’t the worst the Panthers ever fielded, and leading the NFL in drops by a huge margin isn’t really a factor, which all can be fixed with a different qb - despite all the numbers in the world for the panthers and nfl history in general not proving any of the above lol just give it up man
  10. please explain Dramatically - by a strikingly large amount or to a strikingly large extent; greatly.
  11. what? who cares about Herbert, I’m still celebrating our 7-9 season a few years ago and triumphant victory vs. the saints’ third stringers
  12. Pats had the best special teams in the nfl, a top 10 oline and a top 10 defense, and superior coaching (obviously) the team as a whole, outside of weapons, was far from putrid but somehow he will come into a dramatically worse situation and do better… you don’t see, like at all, how this sounds off?
  13. i mean Rivera was 6-10 then 7-9 his first two seasons and he had a franchise QB AND he had a ton of NFL experience in no way am I saying Rhule is the answer but in regards to the question he simply hasn’t been here long enough at 1.5 years to really establish a culture i think expectations were too high this year due to a good start, everyone wants to say give them a few years and then flip out in half the time lol yea so far it doesn’t look good, but next year, after 3 drafts, will really be the tell all in my opinion
  14. i agree, you don’t go after your guy in the draft with no expenses spared and put him behind this line have to do things properly this should have been started soon as Rhule stepped in the office instead spent two years fiddling around trying to find a short cut, just delaying the process
  15. He kept Hurney far too long is what I was referring to.
  16. when the NFL leader in drops is chewing you out, you know you got problems
  17. i have a hard time believing that this is comprehensible if Cam could take a group of WRs with the most drops in the nfl, the worst oline in the nfl, and an awful/inexperienced OC, with an injured cmc to 7-2 I would have to believe one of the other 7 teams rolling with their putrid backups would’ve signed him if cam is that good still why is he a FA, I understanding doubting Panthers competence but you’re going into a pretty big chunk of NFL franchises who just don’t seem to get it like apparently Panther/Cam fans do
  18. This is true - but he’s still on the hook for hiring (and keeping on) incompetent people. Needs to try again. Or better yet hire people who know how to hire people ala JR’s GM search (as a process example not successful example).
  19. That’s not an option, an actual qb isn’t playing for this trash team (example Stafford). Going to have to be the draft and hoping someone develops…followed by growing pains and more losing. Probably smart not to put anyone behind this line tho. You know…a process that should’ve been started 2 years ago.
  20. wow when Mr. Leads the entire NFL in drops has something to say you must suck
  21. next qb will need to be drafted, no worthwhile FA is coming here and sticking a rookie behind this line is just as stupid as trading for Darnold and wastes talent all the same qb class sucks ass next year, build the oline and show a FA you can protect or draft a qb when an option is worth it
  22. it’s time to look towards the draft and please dear god no moral victories putting out of reach for players like Herbert even tho qbs suck this year
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