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  1. I'd like Feleipe Franks to be our new version of Joe Webb. Be our QB 3 and be able to line up on special teams and on offense as a TE or a big slot WR.
  2. I have hope in Bryce, but he needs to display the ability to make the tough throws more consistently and in live action team drills and games not just during 7 on 7. You can't win consistently in the NFL throwing only 5 to 10 yard passes and checkdowns.
  3. The combo of Brown and Clowney is gonna cause some serious problems for opposing Olines.
  4. I say we do rather pedestrian maybe slightly above or below 500 then right before thanksgiving we get hit with a massive reality check when we play the chiefs and then we start our yearly December collapse as we play the tougher teams on our schedule. Bryce will show that he's a good solid NFL QB but that his physical limitations won't let him live up to the status of being picked 1st overall as Stroud and Richardson put up video game numbers and make crazy highlight plays over in the AFC.
  5. Chau smith wade turns out to be a elite slot CB by the end of the year.
  6. If Canales is able to unlock Ian Thomas, then go ahead and get him measured for a statue outside the stadium.
  7. I mean let's all be honest who hasn't wanted to throw a beer on a falcon or a saint's fan at least once? I can tell you that if I was a billionaire I'd definitely let my intrusive thoughts of throwing a beer on an opposing team's fan get the better of me.
  8. I know many people do not like Tepper, but we can at least appreciate the fact that he does truly want to win, and he isn't afraid to open up the checkbook to try and make it happen. I believe that once this team starts having some success and he's able to start interacting with the fans like he was pre 2018 cam shoulder falling apart then his image will change for the better.
  9. BOA stadium is perfectly fine all that it needs is to go back to a natural grass playing surface and for the team to actually start winning some games at home. I've not heard anyone that has any major issues with the stadium itself but yet Tepper and the city seem hell bent on wasting all this money from the taxpayer on things that no one asked for. The majority of the fan base just wants this team to be a consistent winner and would rather put resources into that than wasting all this money on luxury seats that the common fan will never have the chance to afford and be able to experience.
  10. Thielen is just mad because hopefully Dan and Dave threw out that stupid ping pong table. It's so infuriating after watching the team get blown out by 30 and hearing guys laughing and joking playing ping pong in the background of a press conference.
  11. Eddy has a solid accurate leg but his lack of elite power is what concerns me. It's clear the past couple of coaching staffs didn't have trust in him with any kick slightly over 50 yards. He's not good enough to not be in a competition but if he wins the job then most of us here won't have an issue with it. I just would prefer a kicker to at least have the ability to make a 60 yarder so if we are at an end of the half or a game we can have a shot to steal some points or a win.
  12. 100%. They should've signed a vet like Tyrod Taylor or someone similar to be they day 1 starter and told Caleb to grow up sit down and watch how a professional QB plays and acts for the first 8-10 weeks of the season. It would've helped checked his ego and set him up so much better for the long term.
  13. I hope Williams is a bust and Bryce gets better this year. The get back Panther fans will put on Chicago will be legendary.
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