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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. Yea hes really cherry picking to make his argument and making a lot of excuses. The defense regressed. Its ok to admit that. It doesnt nesscesarily mean Wilks was a bad coach.
  2. Its interesting Tepper apparently wasnt at all the coaching interviews last time. Maybe he wasnt quite as meddling as we assumed. Also like Ive said all along, he took ownership of the mistake and basically said it was all on him. People in new jobs are likely to make mistakes. Its human nature. What matters is what you do after the mistakes. If you learn from them and fix your mistakes you can definitely become good at your job. Im not saying he definitely WILL become a good owner but i do think that he definitely CAN become a good owner. Anyone that has already thought that he couldnt had their mind made up anyways
  3. I disagree to an extent. It creates more needs in some spots but it fills some too and puts a lot of our best defensive players and young players in a more natural position i.e. burns at olb.
  4. Height and batted balls definitely dont have much correlation. I believe Josh Allen led the league in batted balls this season. How the oline blocks, play calling, and qb finding passing lanes makes much more difference than height. Regardless of all that the answer to your question is yes.
  5. How much of KC offensive success is based on Andy Reid and his play calling? We have no idea how much EB even does with the offense. He also doesnt fit in what we seem to want in our coaching staff which is guys who can mesh well and collaborate with each other. Also i believe even a couple KC players themselves have said hes hard to deal with and doesnt know much about the passing game.
  6. I dont think the panthers coaching or front office think about him at all really.
  7. Yea I think he was expressing something hes said in other interviews. He wants a mobile qb that can also throw from the pocket well.
  8. I think he specifically meant pure in the pocket deep drop backs. He definitely seems to want to run a lot of RPO and qb runs. It's very clear he wants a fairly mobile qb.
  9. Yea that's a dumb question. He has nothing to do with the playing surface.
  10. When talking about qbs right there I feel like his "understand who you're drafting" sounded pretty definitive before he caught himself and added or understand who you bring in or whatever he added after.
  11. I wouldn't call Mahomes a running qb by my definition. He runs out of necessity sometimes but mostly he just has great pocket awareness and mobility in the pocket and is great at improvising. If he is a running qb then I would say someone like Aaron Rodgers is borderline a running qb too considering they use the same strengths. Also as you said, Cam made it once. There is a history of running qbs making it once in their career but not really ever consistently. Also the Eagles defense is elite. Especially their pass rush. They are definitely carrying their weight in this too.
  12. A funny quote I saw in an article after last nights game. Also a reason I'm glad we went with an offensive coach lol "That is what the owners want, $40 million skill players flopping on the ground, drawing fouls from [part-time officials who double as] chemistry teachers, medical device salesmen and the like," an NFC defensive coach told Mike Sando of The Athletic.
  13. I get what you're saying but there is no way the NFL could fully rig games. Too many people would have to be in on it. What they could easily do is help push teams. Officiate one team a little tighter. Look at tape and figure out what teams are more likely to do that might could be flagged and potentially throw those flags more. As far as the second part of your post they have sky cam technology already and they should be using it heavily during the entire game to help with calls.
  14. If its incompetence it would be more 50/50 you would assume. Not clearly all calls going to one team.
  15. Well the playoffs are most important to me personally. I'd prefer a qb who doesnt get shut down in the playoffs but I will look up the stats against top 10 defenses later.
  16. Hes 1-3 in the post season while averaging 55% completion percentage and 225 passing yards. Hes thrown 3 touchdowns and 5 interceptions in those games. Hes rushed for 1 touchdown and had 5 fumbles. He only lost 2 of those which still puts him at 4 touchdowns and 7 turnovers in his 4 playoff games.
  17. Hes elite against above average to bad teams. He plays a really good team or makes it to the playoffs and his passing numbers and numbers in general are very bad.
  18. You know who that does sound like? At least as far as the media and everyone else says at least. The old man Tom Brady. I do think Reich will want to go with a veteran qb and I think at some point in the offseason Brady to carolina may get a little buzz at least. I dont know how I feel about it though.
  19. The only one I would say really fits that mold of the top 4 qbs is Young. Accuracy and decision making are literally the main weaknesses of the next 3 prospects.
  20. The riverboat ron moniker was hugely overblown. He only started being riverboat ron after he was about to lose his job for being too conservative and anytime that the game really mattered he reverted back to being super conservative. Going for it on 4th and 1 on the opponent's side of the field in meaningless games with Cam at qb isnt that aggressive. Its idiotic not to.
  21. I dont think you instantly change your entire way of thinking because you take one swing and miss. The odds arent good that the first coach you ever hire is going to be great regardless of experience. First time coach from defensive background and known to be conservative is totally different than first time coach from offensive background. The only thing similar is the amount of experience they have at head coaching.
  22. I'm sure you can also make a list of previous head coaches for other teams who also never won much again. That's most of them actually. It's a crap shoot either way. I would rather take the risk than low ceiling retreads.
  23. Also the whole supposedly being a defensive coach and letting them burn us for 3 huge touchdowns running the same play over and over without helping adjust.
  24. I doubt it. Fitterer even said after this season that last years draft was a "nuts and bolts" draft and never mentioned Corral I dont think. The question I'm sure that came up is what would you want to do to fix the qb problem. Not, can you fix corral?
  25. To be fair, of course hes going to say hes got big plans for the offense. What else is he going to say when trying to get a job.
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