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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. So many posts just trying to find hope and an easy solution by finding one singular player to blame. Most of the team has been to blame during this current losing streak and I'm not sure I would put Darnold in the top 3 or 4.
  2. I'm not sure what Cam you watched last year. Especially closer to the end of the season..
  3. Is 2015 Cam available or is it the busted up QB from the past several years?
  4. So are you trying to argue that Anderson and Moore have been equally bad this season?
  5. Lol the sarcastic cheers after Anderson makes a catch
  6. Look at that. Sam can actually step up in the pocket and throws a literal perfect throw.
  7. He has to catch it before any of that matters. Another easy Anderson drop as I type.
  8. The ball literally came down on his head and hit him in both hands and he dropped it...
  9. Also our wide receivers have no idea what to do when the qb scrambles. They either start jogging their route or stop and stand there.
  10. Our wide receivers have been awful today. They have gotten totally locked up and when they do get the ball they drop it. That has been really disappointing.
  11. DJ fumbled giving effort. Amderson has hung his qb out to dry on most of his ints by doing the exact opposite. That's not even factoring his drops
  12. Has anyone noticed how much our offense and Sam have declined since the coaches were talking about getting Anderson more involved in the offense a few weeks ago?
  13. Robby just isn't good any more. That ball dropped in and hit him in both of his hands. Hes dropped a few like that lately.
  14. Hes soft af. Fade route or nothing. Hes not going to fight on a route.
  15. If they were blitzing to get pressure sure but they're not blitzing.
  16. Definitely, especially considering the last 2 weeks dbs from the opposing team have specifically mentioned knowing the upcoming routes. He didnt mention that though. I think college was just easier and didnt take as much work and hes still got to learn that the NFL is a totally different thing. Hes still in college mode.
  17. Remember how after the Darnold interview the other day we were saying, well no matter how you feel about him he takes the blame and doesnt make excuses for himself, well this is the opposite of that.
  18. Not including the really lazy route that Robby ran which hung Sam out to dry even more on a route he throws before Robby begins his "come back". If Robby ran the route he was supposed to, much less put a little effort in at the very worst he would have been in position to knock the ball down.
  19. The only play I specifically remember that you mentioned enough to comment on was the miss to Robby Anderson. Where he was pressured and running forward in the pocket and flicked it 52 yards. Yes he was a yard short, yes he was under pressure and on the run at the time.
  20. Scheming players wide open? The last 2 weeks dbs from the other team have said they knew the exact routes that were coming on the plays they got their interceptions on...
  21. Exactly. Darnold definitely has to play better but the biggest grade you can give him is an incomplete. Any qb that you put back there that is getting pressured on literally 50% of their drop backs and most of those being from the interior in their face, is going to struggle. We have no idea what we have in Darnold or any qb we plug back there until that is fixed.
  22. He was pressured on literally 50% of his dropbacks. You cant gauge anything about his play from that. If he is getting pressured on literally half of his dropbacks then he is going to feel pressure and push on every drop back. 50% pressure rate and right up the middle most of the time is going to ruin any qb.
  23. In the initial post I said I believe in our coaching staff. I just dont like this specific mindset they may seem to have.
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