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Everything posted by 3838

  1. I hope this sea of red burns into Tepper's brain.
  2. Paul Tagliabue ...we sure do miss you.
  3. 3838


    Don't let the door hit ya....
  4. David Tepper..the "Dan Snyder" of the NFC South.
  5. This.. from a local kid (Stanley County) basically washing jock straps to arguably one of the best GMs in the league.
  6. I know it's only early October,but Shakespeare said it (wrote it) best. " Now is the winter of our discontent". I know it's early to be quoting Shakespeare but what the hey...
  7. It sucks that we're just in early October and we're already talking about tanking and new head coach prospects.
  8. My friend... I love your enthusiasm,but I would say in the future get your drugs from a reputable dealer.
  9. There's nothing we can do a fans , of course as far as Tepper goes. He owns the team. There is something he can do , and that's bringing in a competent coaching staff. At this point Tepper reminds me of "Harry Ellis" the "know-it-all" from the original "Die Hard" movie that was trying to negotiate a deal with the bag guys....
  10. This tune should be the Panthers new fight song.
  11. The way things are going this young man will be under center for the Panthers opening day 2023.
  12. Reminds me of the Chick that was on NBC a few years ago (Michelle Kacsinski sp) rowing a fugging canoe on camera to show how bad flooding was and a dude walks behind her in ankle deep water carrying a 12 pack and smoking a cig. Hilarious.
  13. We have some real "nuggets" on the Huddle and the individual that started this thread proves it.
  14. I took my Son to his first Panther game when he was 7. That was 1996. He is one loyal fan....as is our family.
  15. That's what many here do not understand, as it relates to NFL owners.Most of these groups are ruthless business types, that have fortes in making money, not necessarily running football teams. Mike Bidwell in AZ is prime example.
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