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Everything posted by Yup

  1. Rhule ditched Cam because he didn't want to have to compete for control of the locker room. Both have huge egos but only Cam is willing to work with the other. Rhule's won't let him admit his own mistakes. He's pitifully chasing a lost cost fallacy. Way past time to ditch the clown and keep the Cam. Only one has any pro ball left in him at this point.
  2. God bless America! Where else in the world can any idiot can grow up to become a billionaire?
  3. Before prohibition NC produced more wine than any other state in the nation. Sweet dessert wines were more popular then, I guess. I've never had a scuppernong I could stomach.
  4. He's a preacher's kid so a natural at bullshittery.
  5. "Say less" is good advice to many posts in this thread.
  6. I was a Cam skeptic. Currently enjoying a dish of crow seasoned with salty tears of joy.
  7. I wonder if Tepper prefers red or white slaw with his bbq crow? I enjoyed mine with red.
  8. We will dominate. Belichick will be so humiliated by our dominance that he will retire in shame. We will stain his legacy forever.
  9. "We could probably pick up Grier from Dallas for a third rounder." -- The ghost of Marty Hurney.
  10. He's not coming back. Never. Forget it. Not going to happen. Ever. Stop with the Cam threads. He's over us. Football is over him.
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