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Everything posted by csx

  1. Odds are based on perception. Luckily they have no bearing on what will happen. Just put your money down.
  2. I don't know. Probably Luke. I think he is a better linebacker than Newton is a QB.
  3. Any of the bigger WC matches would be meet those requirements.
  4. So, yes it's the biggest sporting event in the US. But not really close to the biggest sporting event in the World.
  5. In the World it doesn't come close to the World Cup or any of the big Soccer events.
  6. I recommend staying out of that silly Deflategate thread, or at least approach it with a sense of humor. People get way to worked up about petty issues.
  7. I'm looking forward to this one more than any since the Panthers one for some reason. The match up is great. I don't watch much sports "entertainment" and when I do I turn it when it starts to get repetitive. I honestly haven't followed a ton of the media regarding this game.
  8. Everyone talking in absolutes based on just a handful of information.
  9. People getting oddly too personally involved in whatever side of the argument they decided to jump to on first mention without regard to logic or reason.
  10. He's a golf pro in Hawaii. That's like everyone's dream job. It's not like he's in a witness relocation program.
  11. It's entertaining that people are more concerned about ball air pressure than PEDs.
  12. Should it matter that a DE is not a good DT?
  13. And there are people defending Hardy and Kaepernik. Are you really this dense or just constantly trying to be difficult?
  14. This would be as if Hardy Had been arrested on the spot and the DA decided not to charge him and people still called him a woman abuser.
  15. Yet Ben wasn't even charged and you have convicted him as a rapist. That's a big contradiction to your original point.
  16. I have the "good fortune" of being friends with some serious Steelers fans. They despise him.
  17. The hatred some folks here express for players and fans of other teams disgusts me. It's fun to a point but people take this stuff insanely serious.
  18. I think many just hate him for being the QB of the team that beat us in the playoffs and being from the same draft class as Newton and them always being compared. Some are just racists.
  19. Yep, I am done. It's intriguing but I'm going to remove myself from it and just wait to see how it unfolds. I hope she's crazy and he's not a monster.
  20. Yep, I am done. It's intriguing but I'm going to remove myself from it and just wait to see how it unfolds. I hope she's crazy and he's not a monster.
  21. But the arresting officers didn't bring it to the court. He wasn't arrested. She/her attorney brought it to the Magistrates Family Court alleging abuse. He wasn't arrested until the court deemed it worthy of bringing the charges. And then he turned himself in. If he had been arrested on the spot then the DA would determine if charges would be filed.
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