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Everything posted by Cullenator

  1. All valid points and ones Ive largely conceded but there is still this scenario It doesn't address the question where two houses are listed on the same day, one at 350k and one at 700k. They both receive a single full price bid and close in 45 days from listing. What expenses did that listing agent incur for the more expensive house to justify double the commission? Both houses took the same level of effort to get them into MLS, get photos, etc.
  2. Ive bought and sold plenty of homes and done the dance with both flat rate listing agents and commission based agents. The point of the inquiry is an enumeration of costs not activities. I regularly justify my consulting fees to my clients with a lot of - oh Ill do this, and I know that, my X years of experience, and my connections, but if pressed on what my actual expenses are they are minuscule (and primarily sunk costs for that matter) in regard to my rate. But I get paid by the hour. It doesn't address the question where two houses are listed on the same day, one at 350k and one at 700k. They both receive a single full price bid and close in 45 days from listing. What expenses did that listing agent incur for the more expensive house to justify double the commission? Both houses took the same level of effort to get them into MLS, get photos, etc.
  3. So I know we've had a couple real estate questions 'round here and a few folks in the know have provided some good info. My wife has tried this line of questioning in a couple of other venues and either been down right ignored or occasionally shouted down but I thought Id give it a go. In this day and age of lack of much/any physical advertising and near seamless integration via MLS IDX between all of the primary online resources (Realtor.com, Zillow, Trulia, etc.) with the network of regional MLS systems, and many buyers doing their own legwork through those outlets what costs do agents incur to justify the 3% for listing agents and 3% for buyers agents. Lets leave the buyers agents for later as there is a clear investment of time with showings, inspections, and just shitty buyers. But when it comes to listing agents I'm struggling to understand their costs. There is the time element of getting photos, measurements, amenities, and the data entry into their regions MLS but then what? Maybe an Open House but in markets where houses are going under contract in days or weeks that seems like an unneeded extravagance. Further what do they do different for more expensive homes to justify the increased profit for them? If they take a 350K listing and their 3% comes out to 10.5k what are they doing differently to justify the 21k for a 700k home? Don't get me wrong. Im all for paying for value. I just cant get anyone to explain the value including the agents we've chatted with. Just a bunch of vague hand waving and question dodging. I know there are flat fee services and that 6% is not set in stone but Id love some insight on that traditional approach.
  4. Just heard a piece on the radio about Jim Henson. I dont care how hard core a Metal Head or Rap devote you are if this doesnt hit home there is something wrong with you
  5. Glad Im moving back to NC this summer. Although having the Panthers on the laptop and RedZone on the TV was a great way to not have to listen to the same F150 commercial 17 times a game.
  6. Got pulled over leaving the original Lollapalooza wearing a Ice-T tee shirt Dude put on a helluva set with half of it being from the OG album and then Body Count came out and the pit went fuging wild
  7. Back when dudes could fuging spit lyrics
  8. Darren Aronofsky. King of the "I make great movies that you never want to see twice"
  9. Back in the HBO days when they ended their commitment to showing highlights from every game so they could spend more time letting the hosts talk was when my interest started to wane. Havent watched in in prob 5 or 6 years
  10. Anyone who wouldn’t welcome Cam’s infectious nature on the sidelines and in the locker room misses one of Cam’s greatest strengths
  11. Growing up Thursday night was for Pop Warner/community based youth teams Friday night was for High School Saturday night was for College and Sunday & Monday were for the NFL The NFL would be wise to remember what made them them "America's Sport"
  12. The idea that NFL fans are bitching about a change they dont like somehow exposes the shallow nature of posters and exposes them as people unable to care about other "more important" issues if pretty fuging stupid. Even for a self admitted contrarian
  13. Ah I was referring to the station that it was in. sorry for the misunderstanding.
  14. I dig almost all of that but fug Devin Townsend
  15. Its bad enough that if you buy a ticket for a 1PM kick and make those plans you could find yourself holding tickets to 4:25 or worse yet an 8:15 kickoff. The idea that you game changes days? F that.
  16. LOL When I started smoking a pack was 85 cents. They are like 7 dollars now.
  17. At 57 I remember a most of these changes. I remember a world where we didnt have 24/7 cartoons and where there were just 3 channels on TV (unless you had an antenna and the patience to find the UHF stations). When American Bandstand came on on Saturday morning it was time to go outside and if you were not lucky enough to have an Atari 2600 or a Colecovision the only video games you played were at the local pizza restaurant. Social Media isnt that different from the usenet forums of the early days of the internet. Its just a lower bar to access. Back then only tech savvy nerds were arguing over the random bullshit. Now every boomer and zoomer can get their voice heard. I saw a version of this way back in the early 90s As to the topic of this thread. Yes it was better before the explosion of Social Media.
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