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Everything posted by Wanderlai

  1. No more Jets players EVER! We are very close to having to wear grocery bags on our heads.
  2. The old saying...”sticks and stones may break my bones but words...they will never hurt me” sure doesn’t stand up to today’s standards at all. Words will get you sent to purgatory now.
  3. It appears to be just that. Crazy how without CMC this offense is putrid. Sam sadly is the same as he ever was. Can’t throw 3 picks and expect to win.
  4. It was a magical time. The team was rolling.....over worse crap teams.....but that’s besides the point. Oh what could have been.
  5. He made some important chain moving catches to.
  6. Seems Arnold may have been more important than many thought. Trade may be a mistake in hindsight.
  7. At best he can be Jake Delhomme...if EVERYTHING around him is stellar
  8. Tried playing it safe and got the L he deserved
  9. text book how to lose a football game by Rhule
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