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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. I would not be so sure CJ is the target. The qb coach doesn't get to call the pick you know. Like LG said there's a long way to go and a lot of things will happen between now and draft time.
  2. Capers will be instrumental in replacing Evero should he get a HC position next season. I get the feeling we are also building a coaching development program also. Because let's be real, if you build a successful team you are going to lose coaches. Your team better be able to find and develop good assistant coaches for the future along the way.
  3. Pass for me. Would rather draft a rookie and not give up the future to do so. But I have no control over what the team does. All I can do is guage my hopes on the future by what they do to improve along the way. They have a lot to improve on.
  4. Let them. Some really good players are going to drop if teams get antsy over these qb's.
  5. My early money is on them trying to trade up ahead of the Colts.
  6. This^^^. While we all are interested in who the new OC will be there are contingencies in place until the right guy is found.
  7. I would agree if it were only the draft picks involved. But with Rodhers and Jackson there's also a huge guaranteed contract added on top of the picks. All is not equal.
  8. I never hand out turds but you sir have gone too far.
  9. My guess is he thinks if he can't get a guy to train this year he will call plays himself. That's why he's in no rush to fill the OC position. He has the luxury of being able to wait on a guy he really wants because he can always call plays himself if the guy isn't available.
  10. Now this I didn't see coming. This staff is looking like a playoff caliber staff in the making. I'm feeling more confident that we will finally break that no back to back winning seasons curse at the very least. I'm reserving my thoughts on our playoff chances after I see what they give up for a qb this offseason.
  11. I'm not sure how to feel about this optimism I'm starting to get about this team. I sure hope they get the qb right in this draft. There's no hiding the fact they are taking one.
  12. Yeah you were too close to the money. Don't get involved with the money. You also do talk about who you know or what you see.
  13. Matt Corral is the new Sam Darnold. God help the next rookie if he doesn't look like a HOF qb this preseason.
  14. All I hear the Stoud boys say is that if you don't agree that trading up in the top 3 for him I must not want a qb at all or I want to wait until next year. That is utterly stupid and not what I said. I'm am against trading any future 1st round picks for any of this class. I did not say I would not take a chance on one if they fell to us. But that apparently is not possible because I either have to trade the farm for Stroud or I must wait until next draft. One extreme or the other. I'm done with this conversation.
  15. Every personal "foundation" is just a way to protect their money. They get to put all the money they want into it and let the "foundation" pay them a "salary". They can't be sued and lose everything because they gave all their money to the "foundation". It's just a tax and liability evasion trick invented by the rich and politicians to launder money.
  16. Talk about putting words in someone's mouth. You've proved my point. It's one extreme or the other with you. Have a good day sir.
  17. When I lived in Greensboro my neighbor was in the club and I never had anything go missing. There was never a harsh word or disrespect towards any that didn't seek it out and there was never anything going down in our neighborhood. There's a long story that involves his stripper mistress and me but I won't go into that here. Let's just say he was a great neighbor. Now the deacon neighbor I once had afterwards, he would never return anything he borrowed and was arrested for shoplifting a bag of candy while having $2000 in his pocket. Just goes to show you cannot judge a book by its cover.
  18. I take it you've never lived beside either of them.
  19. This has gone about how I expect it to. The Huddle never disappoints.
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