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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. If someone is willing to pay money to watch this I have no sympathy for them. They should know by now it's wasted money. They have no reason to grip about crappy football as it will not change anytime soon. If they are not going for the laughs and fellowship they are doing it wrong.
  2. There's only a few of us left willing enough to stick around for this train wreck. That's only because we just can't look away.
  3. Yeah it all depends on what kind of attitude he has. If he wants to be the best on the field on every play that's good attitude. If he is just a diva wanting to be the highest paid ever without earning it that's bad attitude.
  4. TMJ should be trade for a ham sandwich or outright cut. He's just jag at best.
  5. No it doesn't. It just removes a group of players to take a shot on. You may have more picks but it's from lower rated prospects further down the board. It's a gamble either way.
  6. Punt returner? Donte Jackson? An excellent punt returner? Wtf?
  7. That's because he probably was at times. We really didn't have any. Old ass Thielen had to be the go to guy on damn near every play. I don't think Frank had a play that had a second read built in. It was one read if it's open or throw it away. I really couldn't tell what was going on in his offense other than it was predictable as hell and designed to go to one player at a time.
  8. I hope Canales can find a way to use him. Maybe he's just for special teams. This is a whatever type signing for me.
  9. It felt good at least. Proud? Nah, I've had better and it didn't stink up the house.
  10. I had a super bowel movement this morning.
  11. I really don't think it's a mystery at this point. It is what it is.
  12. He's pretty much right. The draft is a crap shoot and you better know what you're doing and getting when you pick these guys. The odds are not good after round 1 and round round hasn't been very good. Especially in the past decade when colleges are changing who and how they develop the players. The players are requiring much more development at the pro level than in the past and it's showing.
  13. I'm usually down for some mayhem if it's warranted or I'm just bored out of my mind. In this case I see no reason for either.
  14. They cannot let it go. If it wasn't Bryce it would be someone else. I'm just going sit back and enjoy the ride even though I know it's going to be a rough one.
  15. They are not building the team around Bryce. They are building a team. If Bryce benefits then great. If he's still ass then give someone else a shot.
  16. We been conditioned to expect the worst. It's well deserved skepticism.
  17. Its the media. They decide what's good or bad and they don't know shyt.
  18. Our skill positions will come from the draft. Our long term solution hasn’t been drafted yet.
  19. Hey, it would be the Panthers luck so I wouldn't get comfortable just yet.
  20. It's early yet. If it can go wrong the Panthers will find a way to make it happen.
  21. He sure as hell did. That my friend is called the luckiest pick off all time.
  22. Trust me no one wants to go through this. But it was never going to be easy to do it the best way to ensure long term success. There are no shortcuts to building a constant contender. It takes years off solid drafting and wise FA signings to make it work. In the process it will suck for awhile. Lucky for us we are use to the sucking part. At least you should be by now.
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