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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. I am not sure I would go that far but he does have more arm strength and athletic ability than Delhomme. But Jake had that innate ability to somehow make a throw that you knew was in no way going to get there but I'll be damned if it didn't. He was just clutch when he needed to be. Until he wasn't. Tommy Joan can eat a bags of d****. Anyway, I really can't say who he reminds of just yet because I don't think we've seen who he truly is at this point.
  2. You really cannot copy how, where and when to use these concepts. You can watch video on formations and personnel and try to copy them sure. But knowing when, where and how is something completely different. That comes from experience.
  3. I'm not seeing the Delhomme comparison you guys see. Until he settles in and gets his rhythm established I really can't tell who his style favors.
  4. I have to admit that this is the game I want us hitting on all cylinders. I want to beat them so bad that old Jerry "the crypt keeper" Jones is too embarrassed to bring his creepy ass before the cameras after the game. That my friend is how you put on a beat down.
  5. I'm right there with you my friend. I'm sick of seeing us being the brunt of the jokes. It's time for us to embarrass some teams for a change. It's off to a great start so far! If Sam settles in and starts finishing all our drives with scores man you won't be able to tolerate me around here.
  6. Now why did you go and bring that up?! I guess I can laugh about it now. But that poo wasn't funny at the times.
  7. I'm pretty sure they are going to do everything they can to prevent that from happening. I would rather our guys focus on preventing that from happening to us.
  8. I watch the games with the curtains closed so the neighbors wouldn't know I was a Panther's fan.
  9. Going full throttle on every play will last about 6-8 games before your team is decimated with injuries and you are then getting your ass kicked the rest of they way. It sounds great in philosophy but difficult to survive in application. There are ways to still dominate without getting your guys wore down and injured unnecessarily.
  10. You are not alone my friend. It's been ages since I had faith in the organization in BOA. You can imagine my disgust in keeping the former dipsh*t in charge when Tepper rolled in. He has now completely redeemed himself on that one. And it looks as if we have someone that can draft beyond the 1st round. That in itself gives my hope. The FA pickups seem to be going better as a whole. It's just not reasonable to expect that to be great in mu opinion. If half of them can contribute at an average to good level then you've done about as good as you could hope. All and all this group has done more in their short time at the helm than most of our coaches and GMs were able to do in twice the amount of time. I'm digging what Rhule and Fitterererrr's got cooking.
  11. My favorite quote of his was "You can put my mama out there and I will beat her like a drum too!" Priceless.
  12. They've yet to play a complete game. They have done fair in the first half of each game but struggled in the 3rd quarter in both. They were able to come alive in the 4th quarter in both games when things got uncomfortable. They will not get away with that against stouter opponents.
  13. This is the thing that can derail a season. Fingers crossed.
  14. Right now the red zone woes are what is holding the offense back. Get that fixed and this team can hold its own with anyone.
  15. You know what they say, pressure with make a monkey eat a banana pepper. Keep Pounding!
  16. It's a good strategy to keep your opponents in 3rd and long. It's not easy to do either so props to the chubby general and his old fart genius on the defense.
  17. The only thing I was really concerned about was how this defense would improve (if it did) with so many new young faces on it. Glad to see that so far it's not an issue. Also, that whole Darnold thing had me a little nervous. So far it's seems I was worrying for nothing.
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