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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. There's a new sheriff in town. This is not your old Panthers.
  2. I'm not sure what he's thinking but he's not going to get anymore than what the Ravens are offering if thats what he's thinking.
  3. Lamar needs an agent. He can laugh all he wants but the truth is he's lost too much money prior to this by not having one. He has also been injured enough to create concerns about his longevity going forward. It think he's going to regret not having an agent.
  4. Do not remember but there will be another one this year after the first pick is announced.
  5. Now I remember all those posts. I wish I could remember some other hot takes from back in the day. There's been some doozies.
  6. All of these guys have that same potential to get people fired. If whoever is selected doesn't pan out whoever made the call will be shown the door. None of them are sure fire prospects.
  7. Did Lombardi mention that Young has not worked from under center? There's a reason he works exclusively from the shotgun. I've also heard one pro wr say that they hated playing with a short qb because the could not see them in the pocket and could not tell where they were looking to pass.
  8. That's what we all are doing. I honestly do not know where they are going with this. I do know that right now Richardson is climbing in this draft at an alarming rate. I've seen a lot of prognostication say he goes to the Colts at 4. Everyone loves his potential but caviot it with he needs the right situation. Then say his bet fit is the Colts who can develop him. Like the Panthers do not have better coaching.
  9. Of course. Tell me which of these guys that cannot make a play from a clean pocket? That's easy for any average nfl gb. The problem is a clean pocket is not very common in the nfl.
  10. Yeah it appears the FA market for WR and RB is experiencing a reset in value.
  11. That should get the ball rolling on the FA wrs.
  12. "The days of a traditional pocket passer are over" - Frank Reich. "You need a mobile quarterback that can make plays when the pocket breaks down" - Frank Reich "You need a leader at the position that can elevate the play of others around him, someone others will respect and play hard for." - Frank Reich There's a lot more clues if you care to listen to the man. Doesn't mean Richardson is that guy. Just saying there are clues as to what he's looking for if you listen to what he's actually saying instead of what you want to hear.
  13. From the sounds of the hierarchy of the power inside the building Reich may not have final say on which qb is taken. Having said that it's hard for me to see them not letting him have a huge say in which one that is. But ultimately if there is disagreement between Frank and Scott I think Scott and Tepper make the call. That's just how I see it playing out.
  14. Please point out where I've made that claim.
  15. Shouldn't be hard to find one. The Huddler is full of GM'S that think they know more about picking great players and running a team.
  16. That's not what anyone on nfl network is say. Everyone's saying Richardson has the highest ceiling of any qb in this class.
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