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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. Tiger let his daughter putt and got DQ'd. Thought he would teach the kid how to take an illegal drop.
  2. Has been playing really well lately, yes. But geez does he let his emotions get to him and he occasionally gets his arms locked up and flares them way right, then overcompensates, like yesterday, and almost pulled it into the water. He is putting lights out right now, which will help him immensely at Augusta.
  3. Zach Johnson to win his second green jacket.
  4. In order of greatness: California Jam, Ontario Motor Speedway, April 1974 The Last Waltz, Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco Thanksgiving Day, 1976 Eagles (Hell Freezes Over Tour 1994-1996) Greensboro Coliseum. Bruce Springsteen, UNC Chapel Hill 2003 Metallica, San Diego Sports Arena 1992 The Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies, 1999, some little bar in Asheville with about 40 people in attendance (amazing) Gov't Mule, 1998, another little bar in Asheville before their first major CD release Been to many shows that were far from great, but since I don't mind paying good money, I always try to find the best in any performance, although I did walk out of a "concert" once in Greensboro. Springsteen did a show there, solo with a guitar, in the round. The ushers refused entrance or exit while he was playing and between every song we were treated to his political ramblings. He played a lot of really obscure stuff, including a lot of covers he's never recorded and it really wasn't all that good. Place was dead silent and every tune got a golf clap. Aside from the fact I paid to see a concert not to listen to his political opinions, regardless of party affiliation. We left after 45 minutes of waiting for a real concert to break out...
  5. Just get a frame-fit pump, a couple replacement tubes and a pair of tire levers. If you catch a flat on the road, just put a new tube in and wait til you get home to look for the leak and patch the other tube.
  6. Not much help here. either. I earned 3 undergrad degrees from my GI Bill before I retired in 1993 and none of them were of any importance over my Navy career when it came to going to work after retiring. Nobody gives 2 poos about my degrees when they see my Navy career on the resume. All the intangibles that come with that career are far more valuable than a degree in history, maritime law or english.
  7. Well.... if he was like Jerry Jones, Hardy would still be playing in Charlotte.... right?
  8. "Flex muscle?" Seriously? I would think flexing muscle would have been to keep Hardy pending the legal system's conclusion. Instead, he showed nothing but how to cave under media and league pressure. Beholden to the NFL just like most politicians beholden to corporate money. Not to mention the hypocrisy of "We do the right thing..." bullshit while Frank Alexander remains on the roster after not one, but 2 drug suspensions of 4 games and 10 games.
  9. He was bad ass before they invented the word.
  10. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/12507025/cte-rare-phenomena-claims-dr-joseph-maroon-pittsburgh-steelers-neurosurgeon-nfl-medical-consultant Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a "rare phenomena" and youth football is safer than riding a bike or skateboard, a Pittsburgh Steelers neurosurgeon and NFL medical consultant said Wednesday in response to the retirement of San Francisco 49ers linebacker Chris Borland. Borland told ESPN's "Outside the Lines" this week that he wants to protect himself from the risk of future brain injury. Appearing on NFL Network, Dr. Joseph Maroon -- who advises the NFL on head, neck and spine injury -- said the game "has never been safer" and downplayed the risk of CTE based on current data. _______________________________________________ What a maroon.... (sorry, couldn't help it)
  11. Absolute garbage is exactly why they kept looking....
  12. Or the converse, which is a huge percentage of USC (Southern Cal) non-skill OL and DL do pretty damn well in the NFL. But your suggestion is really only within the last several years. Remember how many RBs USC used to crank out year after year... they weren't called "Tailback U" for nothing.
  13. That's because there wasn't a single WR on the roster last year... remember?
  14. Who cares what the Panthers need? I thought everyone and their sister knew Gettleman drafts BPA. If Gurley is there in the first, he'll be wearing a Panther uniform.
  15. I didn't say that. I simply pointed out there is nothing but speculation and circumstantial evidence. The DA has already stated more than once that he'd prosecute if he could gain any information to prove a settlement.
  16. Hardy not being a Panther has nothing to do with his contract and everything to do with being charged with DV. Not found guilty of DV, charged with and later dismissed mind you. Frank Alexander has been popped twice for using banned substances and has served a 4-game and 10-game suspension and you're telling me Hardy has more baggage? Maybe in your mind, but not for most with any common sense.
  17. Regardless of what it appears to be, unless you were there and witnessed money changing hands, how do you claim so definitively she was paid off? Sure, we all know that's probably what happened, but making such definitive statements are legally considered to be slanderous and amount to false accusations. If the DA or other officials involved with the case made the same statement as you, Hardy would be more than justified in filing a lawsuit for slander or defamation in making such false claims. And as long as no one can confirm anything, everything is pure speculation.
  18. Actually, if you have any proof Hardy paid her off, the DA would love to have it because he's been looking and cannot find enough to charge him with witness tampering, either. This comes after not having enough to continue the case. So while all the Hardy-hating keyboard lawyers out there are convinced of his guilt, please try to remember the judicial system in Charlotte has nothing. It may not mean he's innocent, but it does mean he hasn't been found guilty, and the end result is the same- he's a free man.
  19. And the fact he's been suspended twice under that policy?
  20. You mean, "Too bad the Panthers don't have the balls."
  21. "Baggage?" Frank Alexander has more dangerous baggage than Hardy and he's still on the roster.
  22. Nice to see the posts of so many "football fans" who obviously have paid no attention to the change in the Raiders organization since Al Davis passed. You guys are still stuck in the what the Raiders were years ago.
  23. Not saying Tarheel is right, nor am I agreeing with him, but... If you're a team that cannot reach an agreement with your "franchise" QB and you have to slap the tag on him, odds are there are more issues than you want to admit.
  24. I don't have kids. Mostly because I couldn't handle raising a kid who couldn't experience the same freedom of movement I had as a kid. I rode my bike everywhere. I could grab my fishing stuff and ride to a reservoir 7 miles away. My school bus stop, for the couple years of junior high I had to ride one, was about a half-mile from the house and we walked there. When we got home from school, the rule was to be home when the street lights turn on. I now live in a county neighborhood with 2 streets, both cul-de-sacs, and 18 houses. The neighborhood kids ride their bikes in the street, the adults talk together on the street almost daily during the spring, summer and fall. One of the reasons we bought our house here is because we saw the kids outside, we saw the adults congregating and there is only one way in and out of the 'hood. I feel bad for parents who can't even so much as let their kids walk to the bus stop.
  25. Sort of. Putting it into the correct context, Frank Alexander has twice been busted for using banned substances, served a 4-game followed by a 10-game suspension and he's still on the roster. Meanwhile, Greg Hardy..... ....you get my point.
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