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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. That seat business really pissed me off. Tepper started it in dec and waited until the invoices were about to go out to tell people I love going to the stadium with my friends....Tepper on the other hand, I don’t know. Doesn’t matter what I think.,,it’s his club
  2. Was it emailed to you ? Still haven’t received mine I read last year that the Panthers season tickets were among the most reasonably offered in the NFL I’m sure when and if a new stadium comes, that will be it for me I have club seats and they have not gone up 25% in four years. I couldn’t afford them, if they did The biggest jump I remember seeing was after the super bowl run with JR as owner
  3. agree on build around him If they had put a line around him, he’d still e here and not beat to living hell Fields is a tough guy I’m not sure Wilson or Lawrence are and the Nfl demands it
  4. He has an athletic trait that Mahomes and Brees have.... .....great baseball players the parallel was drawn that that helps QBs get rid of the ball quickly and at different angles
  5. I think mine had a small increase there aren’t a lot of guarantees in life or in The world of sports unless Tom Brady is the QB apparently I figure, I sat through Jimmy clausen and for awhile Jeff Lewis and a half of will Grier I drank and survived Nothing Rhule does could meet those heights even if he did win a meaningless game costing 5 draft positions I drank after that too
  6. Yep. Toxicology reports are facts, along with his braking speed, skid marks , sight lines etc and where they were on the road the only certain right now, is a child has brain damage She is the innocent victim
  7. I’m not sure. I believe he had a previous DUI and that may change things his life is ruined in any case and innocent child’s life is ruined. God bless her heart I just hope whatever happens with the insurance, it takes care of her for the rest of her life I could not live with thinking my actions caused anyone harm much less a little child
  8. An individual can also be sued at their home for serving someone who leaves their house and has an auto accident hurting. If people drink too much at my house their happy ass is staying put not going to lose my house because someone is stupid
  9. It is fairly safe to say that drinking slows reaction time behind the wheel. It has been proven over and over and over again. It is also safe to say that he is guilty of driving while impaired at a minimum and bodily injury at his failure to react He has addiction issues and this time, his issues and his selfishness with those issues have maimed a little girl for the rest of her life Daddy can’t bail him out this time
  10. Just wanted to share this info. Typically they are out by now. Talked to ticket rep yesterday and the notice on invoices will be emailed next week. ive had problems getting emails from the Panthers ticket office before due to my old time Warner email address domain. Believe a few others have as well, so thought this info was worth a share Just check the PSL section on Panthers.com if you don’t receive an email even with Teddy, I’ll be glad to be in the stadium again
  11. Three losing seasons in a row looks to be setting up for a fourth and that sure seems like potential of failure to me not sure how I feel about him and not sure it matters but if he wants to build that new stadium, and people to keep throwing dollars at his franchise, he best stop talking about ‘the process’ and start producing
  12. 5 of the 10 top 10 QBs were scored by The draft network scouts You can click on the name to see the write ups the link worked for me without going to the Twitter app https://twitter.com/TheJoeMarino/status/1366831988250972165 so many of these links now but this on seemed interesting
  13. Zack Wilson. I could see this happening...seeing how much they want a a QBs https://pantherswire.usatoday.com/2021/03/01/panthers-trade-up-zach-wilson-mock-draft-pff/
  14. Nothing too earth shattering. Comments do seem very positive on Fields https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2933724-nfl-could-see-record-5-quarterbacks-taken-in-top-10-of-2021-nfl-draft
  15. I wish Cam nothing but the best he gave everything he had IMHO there isn’t a person in the Huddle who should be bad mouthing him
  16. Thought some might like this https://www.footballoutsiders.com/futures/2021/futures-ndsu-qb-trey-lance
  17. Thought some might like this https://www.footballoutsiders.com/futures/2021/futures-ndsu-qb-trey-lance
  18. https://www.panthers.com/news/christian-miller-opts-out-of-2020-season https://www.panthers.com/news/christian-miller-opts-out-of-2020-season I thought about Miller because if Shaq ultimately is gone, Panthers are thin at LBs
  19. I know ‘who’ the LB, and I believe a 4th RD draft choice by Rivera, does anyone know anything of his status for this year he flashed a little when Ron let him play
  20. thanks for doing this I’ll take that sandlot player. After 3 seconds, what happens when the play breaks down pit also demonstrates ‘the want to make something from nothing’ qb. I think the problem they might see with Trey is they want Teddy gone today. They don’t care about the cap hit. Someone has to start next year and I don’t see any of the top abs doing that without getting killed. Could be wrong
  21. This was interesting I hate to say it but if the rumors of the Panthers being love with Fields being true, that would be very concerning Not surprising just concerning given their previous love of Bridgewater i like Greg but before I see gospel is probably have to listen to what he said about the mahomes draft class or maybe that’s way they are trying to trade desperately for Watson as they don’t like this year and next years crop of QBs
  22. To be fair, it was a 1.5 hr interview with Brandon Marshall. Chad Johnson and one other player I watched the I AM Athlete featuring Cam i thought Cam did a great job. He was honest. He was thoughtful. he was funny and he was introspective having watched him from college to the Panthers to now I was like, my god he has grown up I like him more now than when he played here
  23. If Deshaun holds an interview and it comes from his mouth, then I believe it Otherwise, it’s a rumor or heresay or news in a slow news period or potentially a team striving for a bidding war.
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