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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. Just quoting what was said. simms implied they would rather live in LA among other things
  2. Report just now on Pro Football talk on TV hosted by Mike Florio and Chris Simms Simms just stated on the show that per a reliable inside source that: 1. Stafford did not want to come to Carolina and the 2 Panthers did offer Lions the number 8 pick which of course was higher than the Rams this year
  3. Get your point however 1. Teddy didn’t drop from the sky. Rhule should have seen what he was on tape and said ,nnaaaahhh’. He didn’t and know acts like he found out his significant other was cheating on him...and he is bitter and surprised about it...like he saw nothing and had no choice. I hate coaches like that and he is running his mouth too much about it. 2. Rhule the ‘culture guy’ brings in Haskins and offers a future contract and gets snubbed. That totally smacked of desperation 3. Now, he seemingly falls in love with a guy for intangibles and smartness. Maybe Jones is the next Peyton Manning, maybe he is the next of long line of failed drafted QBs without the arm to compensate for the speed of defenses 4 the handling of Newton, not his fault either I don’t know about Rhule but those are 4 red flags and we best ,hope that the new GM truly has input and a brain. Too, seems to me the NFL is like poker...you don’t tell anyone what you are thinking when it comes to players on your roster maybe Rhule is the next Pete Carol. Maybe not. I’m not sure either way
  4. The Redskins are a QB and role players away from being a very good team. The NFC East would probably allow for a playoff run the Panthers will need a brand new o line if I recall, Matt has taken a beating over his career. he would probably like to be somewhere with a chance at the playoffs and not getting beat to death I don’t think that is Carolina
  5. Well. Two things over and above team makeup upside Tepper is a very progressive and vocal supporter of social issues That is a 360 to Houston Tepper is probably the most socially aware owner in the league flip side Newton was deshaun’s mentor. They are friends. We all know the Tepper handling of Newton was not exactly graceful
  6. To be fair, Brady’s combine pic was not exactly....athletic now granted, he does look like a beer and a biscuit over the line there
  7. I understand what you are saying but I disagree a d the article starts with 2018, not 2020 decisions coaches make during in game situations, end of half, end of game, sitting on leads, defensive alignments, not making adjustments, play heavily on the outcomes coaches also are part of personnel decisions Rhule infuriates me because he had to know what Bridgewater was and if he didn’t, god help us. I get Brady wanting his security blanket but the answer should have been ‘no’ rivera, knowing Cam was damaged, had zero backup qb plan it’s not like these things just happen there was either willful ignorance or poor planing or poor decision making in either case
  8. Bingo mine as well I was wrong about Justin Herbert and that’s who we should have moved up one spot to get and while I do not believe Jones is close to Herbert in any category, he us going to be the picK if things fall as predicted the panthers May trade back two or three doors to get him and get more picks Rhule scares me, after all Teddy would not have been here if Rhule didn’t approve and then there us the Dwayne Haskins futures offer
  9. Honestly. I spend a lot of time in CA and I watch the Rams a d chargers more than I want to...the guy is terrible with pressure...deer in the head lights. Better arm than Teddy, slightly more mobile but the same guy no thanks
  10. It’s the Panther way...kinda like talking about culture and offering a futures contract to Haskins there are ways to lose without looking like it. All teams do it to rest their players before the playoffs New Orleans masters of it its over and done. Who knows, we might be better off
  11. I’m not big on Wilson but to be fair, he can’t catch it too. His starting WRs and starting running back were out too as I recall plus traveling cross country. Trying to say it was a team failure not just a Zack failure I watched all his games. My concern is more the talent he played against. He isn’t going to have all day and open throwing lanes I. The NFL he is smart. He has quick feet. Durability, who knows. Everyone thought Luck a d Cam would last a lot longer than they did
  12. I have this feeling if none of the QBs the Panthers like are there, that they will trade down to mid range in the first. in addition to the new first RD, they get a second and a third they will then Take, god forbid, Jones, and then all bets are off after that to try and fill holes I could see them taking the LT at 8 but that’s it I don’t see a trade up and I don’t see a veteran I wish I did but it takes trade value, cap considerations, contract considerations and as the saying goes, ‘two to tango’. I do not think those veterans prefer Charlotte time will tell. I wish to god, Bridgewater had never come here but he did a d here we are
  13. This. Shula didn’t have a play under 60 seconds unless it was Cam running
  14. ...or the ‘culture’ honestly, it feels like we have a child coaching the team compared to Payton and Arian’s
  15. Wish there was a ‘laugh out loud’ emoji. It’s all about the ‘culture’ right Matt...lol
  16. You know. That little bit of comedy really pissed me off. I can’t picture a true competitor doing that....at all petty I know
  17. The concerning part is that anyone in the Panthers org thought they WERE getting something sweet baby Jesus, everyone knew this well...except a few optimistic, desperate souls
  18. Matt is pretty ingrained in the Detroit area, much like Newton here, not sure uprooting his family would be in his plans it would be the smart move for a team with so many holes remember, the Colts are also in the QB market now...dangling a number 8 pick might get a slew of draft picks from them, yes I know they are lower, I’m just pointing out that the Colts might want to trade up with the Panthers or Bengals or Dolphins as well
  19. As much as I want a new, young Qb or Watson, the smart thing to do is to pickup a Matt Stafford and use draft picks to build the team, if the Panthers want to compete right away if they don’t, then draft best rookie qb available to them at 8 and let the pick spot behind Bridgewater very ironic as wasn’t it Brady who wanted Bridgewater here...to me if true he is just as suspect as Teddy. People don’t like to hear that but his evaluation of Teddy was seriously flawed. after watching the playoff games, the Panthers are very far off from that circle
  20. I read it...particularly Fowler they do not have a paywall on the Panthers / Sports that I have seen
  21. What makes anyone think Deshaun would want to come here? Newton was like a big brother to Deshaun and the Panthers treatment of star players has been very questionable
  22. You aren’t concerned about his level of competition? BYUs schedule was poor this year
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