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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. Some folks in the locker room might disagree given McCaffrey was 70% of our offense at the time.
  2. I wonder how much of Burns play is influenced by the defensive line coaches he has had. I thought he made some strides this year. Even saw a bullrush and using his hands instead of a big bend to the outside on every play. I suspect with better coaching he could get much better.
  3. The only way to do it is to make it a tie or just don't count it. No other team or player are going to call you out for not finishing the game.
  4. I guess everyone has some damn fool ideas. As long as they don't force them on others it isn't harmful. Should make another great discussion at his interview.
  5. Do you cook that? Just asking so I know what house to come to for a Panther tailgate.
  6. You could say the same thing about Bobby Knight in basketball. He abused players verbally and physically. How many transferred over the years? Did that mean he wasn't an ass.? Not exactly a good barometer given college players want to make it to the NFL and their best chance is a winning program regardless of how they are being treated. It doesn't work that way in the NFL with grown men.
  7. No is arguing his NFL record, that is a given. But there are red flags for sure that turned others off. Not sure what actually happened so it is hard to know. That is why we need to interview him and talk to other people about him.
  8. He is an interesting option and surely is a proven winner. I think he has red flags but he may have explanations for all that happened. Given I won't be in his interview I have no clue how much of what he has been written is true or not. Plus maybe he has mellowed with age. It sometimes happens.
  9. At one point we were 3-8 and going nowhere. Until we won the last 4 we were going nowhere. And I don't remember thinking Cam was so great at that point. Cam had back and neck injuries from the car wreck and things we're not as rosy as you seem to remember.
  10. That is so stupid logic. Wilkes didn't try to win for his own benefit. He was hired as interim coach to win football games. He didn't screw anyone or anybody. He actually showed that our talent was better than we thought as players competed harder and did better under Wilkes. It clearly showed that better coaching will go a long way to improving the current team and there was no reason to start over or blow things up.
  11. In college football he controlled everything with no oversight. No one to complain to and players are easily intimidated. In the nfl you have more people to answer to and pro players won't put up with the same thing.
  12. Go back and read about the way he left and was fired. There was a lot of disgruntled folks. The only reason they tolerated him was he won. The minute they struggled he was gone. If he was so great why haven't folks been trying to get him and why did the Vikings interview him last year and not hire him. Again your logic is simplistic and somewhat uninformed.
  13. I guess you tankers missed Wilkes press conference yesterday when he said the goal would be to win the game against the saints and finish strong. There is no plan to play young guys or protect others. All these posts are wishful thinking and fan speculation. Players and coaches don't think that way.
  14. There is a big difference between players who play for a paycheck and those who play with passion and purpose. How many of our players would have been cut playing like they did under Rhule? Then the same players played much better for Wilkes, why? It wasn't something you can quantify but it is easily observable. Player who play for each other and give everything for their team are actually going beyond what it takes to make a team or stay in the league. So to assume that players will play for any coach at a high level just because they risk being replaced is rather symplistic logic.
  15. I suspect it was a dinner to express interest and telling Harbaugh not to make any decisions until interviewing with us. Feeling out Harbaugh's interest in us most likely.
  16. But given how much the players like Wilkes, would they line up to play for an conceited asshole who is not considered a players coach. Much of why we did better this year with fewer starters from beginning to end was player buy in to the system. What if the players don't buy in? With that said, he is an interesting option as he has head coach experience and is a proven winner. I would love to be in the interview and see him address the concerns and lay out his plan.
  17. Don't see Tepper going Ryans when all the players are firmly in Wilkes corner. Not if he is going to bring in another defensive guy. Plus does he want to come here? He might get multiple offers.
  18. No actually we should stay at 9 even if we win next week. All the teams with 7 wins have a higher SOS which breaks ties. If we lose we could move lower but I will let that to the tankers to explain that.
  19. I guess I need to spead them out over several threads like you do with your whining and complaining.
  20. You bitch about everything. Now you start differentiating your bitching into categories. Why not try a different strategy and the 95% of what you think you don't say. Make it a new years resolution. We will all benefit from that.
  21. Then find them and tell me who was triggered enough to.look through tons of posts to try to make a point. Pot meet kettle....
  22. Winning against the Saints won't change our draft position much. Our strength of schedule is lower than any 7 win team so we pick before they do. We get a top 10 pick which will be 9th and we got to play meaningful games in December and January. Wilkes has done more for this franchise in 12 games than Rhule did since he got here. Anyone who see this as a setback has an agenda not based on facts.
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