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Everything posted by thunderraiden

  1. The one positive Darnold has had entering the season was he was young, so he could figure out potentially... he certainly looks leagues better than last year even when he did have protection from the O-line last year.
  2. Our run d is atrocious and we will get pounded the next 3 weeks by the run game if our opponents are watching this film.
  3. Colts are done. This is what they get for getting someone off the street to be headcoach.
  5. Too bad they forced JJ out, prob should have used a TO, instead they gave a TO cuz of some scrub that didn't know the route.
  6. Destination becomes a lot more attractive for QBs when you can make the playoffs without one.
  7. https://www.nbcsports.com/video/nfl-week-14-superlatives-put-some-respect-steve-wilks-name Makes you ask yourself.. Wait, how "incredible" is Steve Wilks performing right now? I'll admit I was thinking he has just been good, but upon introspection... holy poo he really is doing an incredible job already. We need a QB, TE, LB, Safety, and WR and still performing exceptional.
  8. CHARGE MATT RHULE WITH EXTORTION, PURGERY, THEFT WHAT EVER YOU HAVE TO DO TO GET THAT MAN IN JAIL. Running the ball and keeping your defense rested is apparently a foreign fuging concept in the NFL.
  9. And I'll die on the hill that Burns is doing what he is doing without an offense and if you all saw him on a team with an actual offense keeping him rested and able to pin his ears back for 3rd and 4th quarters of games the same clowns proclaiming to trade him would be dead silent as he takes over the league on a good team while we have 3 Everette Brown's on the roster with 8 combined sacks.
  10. Got a free Chinn Jersey last year via Ceasers sportsbook, that was legit, even won my bets and took my initial deposit back and played that year on house money. I'll prob get a Burns jersey after he signs his deal.
  11. Vrabel has won that team all those awards, Robinson has been along for the ride.
  12. JuSt TrAdE tHeM fOr PiCkS crowd in shambles as their shepherd takes it on the chin.
  13. Ain't no way Dennis Allen survives Black Monday.
  14. Man, Matt Corral is the luckiest sumbitch alive if the Panthers end up on top of the division.
  15. Brady demands a release to go to the 49er's watch
  16. Right? This actually helps the NFL, instead of riding pine for a year and having one injury derail your career kids will get more experience in college, only thing I hope improves is more pro concepts in college when the Playoffs expand too and teams need to win between the lines instead of recruiting and just having the fastest players.
  17. Yep, and all the playbooks are designed as such. "see line up as wide as possible and run as fast as possible and the QB will just heave it up to you and you will have so much separation against 9 out 10 of the teams we play it won't fuging matter what we call"
  18. And its hard to stop in the playoffs, and it keeps your defense rested, and it helps setup play action... like our entire team is designed to do but Rhule just ignored it because he's basically Chip Kelly.
  19. Wonder when his best man at his wedding Jeff Nixon leaves?
  20. The warning signs were all around us: "I don't fire my assistants" was the biggest red flag of all-time and he was right, he never fired "his" assistants but had no problem with the outsiders that were actually talented (i.e. Brady being held back by Rhule then scapegoated)
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