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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. Rhule's best game as a offensive coach was probably the first game, against the raiders I think. But the offense got worse as he coached them up.
  2. If the choice was between him and Rhule, then I would take Payton every single time. I think Sean Payton is a good coach. That being said, Payton had one of the best qb's in the history of the NFL, and still went to only one SB. Of course, he won it, which is great for Saints fans, but still doesn't put him among the elite coaches.
  3. I visited Austin, had fun. Don't think I would ever want to live there though. To hot, to flat, and most of all, to many Cowboy fans. I do wish I could move to Hawaii, but don't think I can afford it.
  4. Meh, I am not to concerned about it. His cap hit this year ranks in the lower 20's. For next year, its currently top 10, but that will change, and he will drop. After that, if he doesn't perform, we cut him for a big cap savings and he does perform, we keep him, perhaps with a restructure.
  5. I do this as well. It's actually a fusion of Asian and American sauces and I love it.
  6. As soon as I saw that Brady was going to get the ball back with just about a minute left, I felt we were doomed. All the kick did imo, is decrease the difficult factor slightly. To be honest, I felt that Fox shouldn't have called that final timeout on our own drive. Should have ran some clock to ensure we either scored and tied it and sent it to overtime, or we lost on our own.
  7. Depends on how good Young is and how healthy he stays. If Corral impresses enough to get the number two spot eventually, (a big if) and then he gets to start a few games for one reason or another, it will be his chance to impress other teams. If he replaces Young for a few games and plays well, he could get a chance to be the guy for some other team. That is the way he should look at it.
  8. Gettleman tried to build a team around Cam, he just wasn't very good at it. Benjamin was a failure and Funchess was average at best. Daryl Williams was ok, Trai Turner was solid. Ironically, Gettleman's last draft for the Panthers was his best offensive draft with Samuel, CMC, and Moton.
  9. He could have success at Nebraska. Being a college coach is just vastly different than being an NFL coach these days. Steve Spurrier, Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, etc... excelled in college and failed in the pros. Rhule is a salesman, and can sell himself to recruits. That alone gives him a shot at being a winning coach in college. But in the NFL, being a salesman doesn't matter so much.
  10. I mostly agree. I mean Bridgewater to me was a guy you sign when you have a team that can compete for a SB and you need a high level backup. And there was a good chance Cam's career was done. But I just didn't understand how signing Bridgewater was part of the "process". The best bet was to go with Cam for his final year, and if he really was done, draft someone. The moves they made were baffling to say the least. Looking back, I think Rhule felt that he was such a great coach, that he could take a average qb and win superbowls.
  11. If TM is going to be a solid NFL player, this year is the year for him to prove it.
  12. For me, it was when he cut Cam only to sign Bridgewater. To this day, I find that the most baffling move of his time here.
  13. Maybe he is saying we will have at least one tie and finish 8-8-1.
  14. And would the franchise make less if it moved somewhere else. And fwiw, We have seen in the past that the NFL as a whole doesn't necessarily decide if, when and where teams move. Usually the teams themselves decide, and the owners give assent. And I don't remember the owners ever not giving assent if one of their fellow owners want to move. The Chargers move was idiotic, and yet the other owners still agreed. Regardless, I don't think the team is moving.
  15. Meh, not really. The NFL wouldn't suffer much if the Panthers left. The real question is where else would they go. Almost any place they would move would be a smaller market. Most likely scenario is that they stay in BOA for a while. Another scenario is that they stay in the Charlotte area, but build a stadium outside the city. The odds of them leaving this area entirely are slim, but if some city makes an stupid offer, its not impossible.
  16. Fwiw, I think a lot of the money that is currently paid out for sports broadcast is unsustainable. Especially for college sports. ESPN pays 600 million to show College Football playoffs and a lot more than that to show NFL games. With ratings dropping, I am not sure this is sustainable over the long run.
  17. If Shaq Thompson or any other Panther players from the last two years become a coach, they will have learned a lot from Rhule. Learned a lot about what not to do.
  18. Total number of targets from last year is largely irrelevant. Of all receivers, he was second on the team in targets last year. CMC was third even though he only played six games. Our passing attack was nearly nonexistent last year in large part due to coaching staff and poor qb play. TMJ caught more than half the balls thrown his way, and he averaged nearly 18 yards a reception. That means more to me than targets. Not saying he will be a star for us, but I don't think its unreasonable to say that he has some potential that would have never been explored by the Rhule regime.
  19. IMO, the importance of having a star/#1 is overrated. Most of the SB winners from the last ten years or so didn't have a star/#1. Would rather have a group of 3-4 good receivers.
  20. For all the talk about Home Runs this past weekend against Alabama (we set the record I think), Wake has some excellent pitching. It will be interesting to see if it holds up against the teams from the West Coast or SEC.
  21. I believe it is absurd to not believe that there is life on other worlds. There are untold numbers of planets in the Universe, to believe that this one is the only one with life on it is ludicrous. Now do I believe that this planet has been visited? While I can't say with certainty, probably not. The distance and all the obstacles involved are daunting.
  22. I am a Wake Forest fan, so just for the heck of it, I looked at the cost of tickets for the CWS. $800 bucks for bleacher seats. I was shocked. I will just have to watch it on TV. Not that I was really planning on going anyway, just not enough of a baseball fan anymore to go. But wow.
  23. From that list, I would probably take Heinke as a backup if I wanted someone who could win a few while my starter was out. Regarding Cam - 2011, 2012 Cam was a promising rookie. 2013-2017, Cam was one of the best qb's in the NFL. After his arm got hurt, his career was done. Sucked for us, because I thought we were set at qb for a good 10-12 years, especially after the 2013 Patriots game.
  24. I generally agree with you, but in answer to your question, probably Hockensen at Minnesota/Detroit. He had some good years with Detroit, made a probowl, and then they got a second round pick for him when they traded him to the Vikings. He then lit it up for the Vikings with 60 receptions in ten games. If he spent his first three seasons with a team other than Detroit, he would be well known.
  25. If Bryce Porter is a adequate qb, then I think there is a decent chance that all of our tight ends play better this upcoming season. Not saying they will be great, but they should be better as a group.
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