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Pejorative Miscreant

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Everything posted by Pejorative Miscreant

  1. Healthy QBs with full seasons of work do, from time to time throw picks. In games and also in practice. This could be for a number of reasons. Perhaps he got the play wrong, perhaps the receiver got the play wrong, perhaps the defensive guy did his job, read the play and jumped the route. Practice is a good time to get these things situated.
  2. I'm not going to panic yet. It's the first day in pads. I do think the team will be watching closely when the first round of cuts are made.
  3. I have tempered expectations for Shaq, at least in the early going. I think he will be good and consistent enough to supplant Klein as a starter for the opening week but really don't expect to consistently see the wow factor until the middle of the season or so. I think he will flash but do think there be a learning curve for both him and the coaching staff. This is not a knock on him, I am really glad he was our pick and think he is a future pro bowler. I just think it's going to take some time for him to naturally fit in and reach his true potential.
  4. I know it's been said before but it's great to look at this lineup and see what coaching and scouting does. Remmers, Norwell and Colin Jones all starters (I know it's only day one of camp, but still) on this team says a lot. I don't expect the starters to shift too much except for maybe RT, WLB and Bene making a push once healthy although there may be a surprise here or there. I do think some of the depth battles will be intriguing as it's likely that guys like Cotchery, Bersin White, etc... are battling for a roster spot.
  5. I hate to be blunt, but every team needs a token arrest before the off season goes up in smoke.
  6. If I'm not mistaken Gettleman had $0.00 invested in Martin as it was discussed ad nauseam upon his initial signing. So what if he took a flyer on the guy and it did not work out. Hope Martin has a good retirement.
  7. I went to State, liked what he did there and understood why he left. Now he plays for the Seagulls + seems like a douchebag = I hate his face too.
  8. If I looked back on my kids childhood and somehow conclude that their shortcomings in life are due to participation trophies from pee wee soccer then I am a big fugging asshole parent. Imo there is some merit to the "participation trophy" metaphor as I do think too many parents reward kids for stupid stuff these days and kids get away with too much crap but I can only fix and control that which is under my roof.
  9. I think it's possible to revirginate yourself if you try really hard
  10. ​Would have brought him in last year as a DE but thought doing so would destroy Bell's confidence.
  11. Great post and excellent commentary on why the Huddle is such a great forum. OP has more in depth analysis and rationale on football than BR will have on its entire site in July.
  12. It's funny everyone is pooing on the OL now. We have very short memories. Last year thebOL was a sucky patchwork group of misfits. IMO Oher my be less than average this year but he will be better than Bell. That and our depth is much better with a lot of young talent. . OL might not be good but will not be as bad as last.
  13. Thinking Bersin gets a hat over Hill because he went to Woford is laughable. Hill was on the PS last year and 31 other teams could have plucked him away. None of them did. I am not buying into the conspiracy that Jerry reserves roster spots for pets. This is ridiculous.
  14. I hear what you are saying but IMO I would rather have a guy blow up a call than get blown up. Not seeing it make it hard to digest but sounds like worst case he screwed up and mixed up a play (in OTAs). I don't think that has been his weakness over the past couple years, I think it's that he's just been getting beat. My glass is still half full and chicken little will remain in he cage until the pads are on in July.
  15. Then put Stephen Hill on the roster instead. We can track his speed in the box score too. Catching the ball is overrated anyway.
  16. ​Along those lines, I have a never-ending manifesto, er... diary I keep. Not sure how much of it is football worthy but it cant be too much worse that PantherU posts.
  17. How is he with a shovel? He will need one to find his lady parts after one of our front 7 have planted them in the turf. All seriousness though, IMO he will be a completely different and much more dangerous QB in week 17 than in week 4 no matter what the record is at that time
  18. It's your prerogative. If I were in your situation I would not but my wife would have been bat poo crazy if it were my son but after some decompression would have decided not to. In my opinion your child is fine (biggest and most important). And the grandma was responsible, respectful and contrite. If it were me I would only report it if she were at a point where she was at an advanced age and failed to stop because her mental faculties prevented her from doing so. Not really anything to be gained otherwise.
  19. I think it's somewhat loaded. Bowden is an aw shucks guy but says things as they are. He said what he thought was accurate. Did not seek to hurt Winston. Just responded to a question.
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