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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. Id love it He will have a Ryan Tannehill type turn around and is only 24 Id take that in a heart beat He had Adam Gase, and was on a lame duck team that was tanking for a 3rd rounder? In a heart beat
  2. joey is a choke always has been since his days at Virginia Tech
  3. at the end of the day, if we are unable to attain our franchise QB that we can win SuperBowls with for a do-able price @8, I'm all for taking BPA/trade back to build up a team and then take a shot at the QB down the line. dont give up the farm for an "aight" QB. Im all for doing that if its THE guy, otherwise dont over extend for the "aight" QB and prepare for next year's crop.
  4. yeah thats faster than vick, and he def aint vick fast.
  5. footwork can be coached decision making and intelligence, not so much.
  6. tbh im going to let the guy who is a lot smarter at football than me make that decision well two guys... Fitterer and Rhule and ill be at peace with whatever they decide.
  7. show me come concrete evidence and then I wont want Watson anymore. Until then, he's innocent until PROVEN guilty in my eyes some drunk ass crack pipe lawyer who will throw any women who DMs him for a piece of settlement into the lawsuit fray, doesn't exactly convince me.
  8. Ill go on record and say id be down for tua ballers buy on the low. great value when they rebound to high
  9. i want to say "what a POS waste" then i look at myself
  10. draft the franchise LT and try again next year
  11. im in your camp here seems like the hidden warfare now a days is public perception and influence. lots of charades by people powerful enough and with enough influence to manipulate public opinion. real easy now a days with social media its like fug actual facts, whats important is what the majority of people believe. and so many believe what they see and join in via hive mentality. who influences and wins over the hive wins. so many people concerned with fitting in with the majority point if view, because if you disagree with the majority hive mind, you will be attacked by the self righteous. rambling thoughts.. sorry
  12. tbh the situation has evolved since the last time i posted. i want him if these allegations are false. if they are true i don't want him i have a wait and see approach. but its not looking good
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