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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. Pulling for Brady. Hes already the GOAT i wanna see more history made. likely will never see this type of poo again.
  2. I think Texans are just trying to save face by hiring a minority coach. Watson knows that its a lipstick on a pig move.. putting dry wall overing a rotten and crumbling foundation. I think Watson is as good as gone. and watch the Texans screw themselves out of a better coaching candidate trying to reel in Watson, only to screw themselves in the end while losing Watson anyway. it would be a Texan type thing to do...
  3. i think that none of us actually know what the fug is going on
  4. If i hadnt had met my future wife in HS i would not have stood a chance. Id be like 'Pink' in The Wall by pink floyd... heres my favorite axxxx!! WOULD YA LIKE TO LEARN TO FLYYYYY??? .... breaks sshit all drunk.
  5. @TheRumGone Remember when you sshit on my college apartment for being decked out in panthers? You were right. That was cringy AF.
  6. this dont mean a gat damn thing
  7. hey look its 2 years on the dot since my last ban... just happened to look randomly. ive been a good boy.
  8. another bonus to stafford: Getting him would allow us to continue to build towards a championship while also giving us more time to find the long term franchise QB if we feel like the options aren't that great this year/ we miss out on that guy. Allows us to compete at a high level while alleviating the need to reach on a "meh" QB. We could win a SB with Stafford.
  9. yeah i feel you on that. i guess it depends on how quick we could win. If we could be contenders with him still in his window of capability then i say go for it and groom a guy behind him. (talking about stafford) I want Watson too, for talent and age.. all the obvious reasons.. but sshit dude we are gunna have to sell the farm. and that could be worth it, not poopooing that idea in of itself.. but i could also see a scenario where we use those assets that we would give up to get watson to keep them and win sooner with Stafford and still reach the end goal which is a championship within the next 4-5 years.. and in that span grooming a young QB behind him for that sustained success
  10. id rather get stafford for pennies on the dollar conpared to watson imo
  11. that makes me like him even more. i can relate to him.
  12. give me the guy that is good with the nuts and bolts over the guy who is good at saying hes good with nuts and bolts. god i hate public speaking
  13. The most valuable one Burns. Cheap, really fuging good with room to get better. Is that who I want to send? No, but its the biggest swing we got to get Watson.
  14. you have listed like 50 scenarios where you "would be done" strap in and be a fan for better or worse
  15. is it true he has 0 career playoff wins? im a fan of his, but how could someone be HOF with that hanging over their heads? my vote is no
  16. NEG REP IS BACK!!! My poops make a difference now
  17. Im not on the scale Cause my mindset is, Teddy is literally a placeholder for whoever is behind him, and I'm not expecting to win in 2021 21' is all about setting up 22' and beyond
  18. will you just log off or something
  19. duuude... hornets themed too? now thats dope
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