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Everything posted by L-TownCat

  1. Rhule plays a huge part in winning and losing. Players don’t want to lose. It’s not easy to get the #1 pick. Nobody in Charlotte will be laying down next year. (Much to the detriment of the team.)
  2. Rhule will not just lay down. He’s gonna drag us to the depths with him.
  3. You really think this softened Tepper? Gave him pause? More likely he’s blamed everyone including his dog, slapped a little girl and now only wants to “get even” for getting embarrassed. Dudes a train wreck.
  4. There are no answers for this year. Every single one is bad and does nothing for us. No matter who is QB next year he’ll be the wrong one.
  5. It’s coming. Everybody screaming for Mr. Small school. And they’re gonna get it. I hope they do.
  6. They’ll draft one this year, have that fully guaranteed contract and then do it again the next year with a new coach. This sucks and it’s gonna suck more.
  7. They want this years 2nd. We don’t have one of those.
  8. Yeah spend it all for this upcoming failure.
  9. This is not your everyday situation. It’s literally detrimental to the team. It’s effecting which players want to come here. That’s not the time to worry about perception.
  10. The first thing you said disproves the last thing you said. Rhule should already be gone.
  11. I thought I’d feel that way and a part of me does. But what have they done to my fuging team, man? This is bad. Really bad.
  12. It’s def gonna get worse. Tepper either over reacts and does something that cripples the team further, or he loses interest in his new toy because it doesn’t work right. That would lead to purgatory.
  13. Unfortunately we’ve got even lower points ahead. We’re about to slip into irrevocable irrelevance.
  14. Never been more ashamed of this organization.
  15. This is the lowest point of this franchise that I’ve witnessed. And I’ve witnessed them all.
  16. First of all, woe to the kid who gets plopped into a lame duck coach’s last gasp. That alone is enough. Not to mention this crop of QBs is not a Day 1 starter class and I’m a Tar Heels fan. Drafting a project at 6 and hoping poo pans out ain’t the way. but hey I’m nobody. I’ve just seen this movie before and the ending sucks.
  17. Bar none. Unequivocally. Without question or contest. Undisputed. Numero Uno.
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