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Everything posted by philit99

  1. All depends on how many beers I’ve had, joking.......
  2. Good luck. I bought tickets to go see my brother in LA in July, I’m not sure what will be going on by that time.
  3. Im dating a beautiful lady that works in the school system. The cafeteria workers are closing up shop on Monday, that means they are putting equipment up for the summer. I think August is more likely.
  4. This is much better than the martial law, I was told about earlier in the week. Looking at New York City, I could see martial law taking place there soon. They have 12,700 cases? Wow.
  5. This is the type of article that drives me crazy. The only way to beat this thing is to change our daily lives. Is that hysteria, you bet, no American wants to change how they live. However, even if this disease does not affect you, you could pass it to someone who has a compromised system and it become a death sentence. I don’t care if the media wants to control other people’s fears and emotions, we need to practice restraint and remain isolated for a period of time. The moment you tell people not to fear, they will fear and then they will wonder why you are trying to control the narrative. This situation has not happened in our lifetime, some hysteria should be expected and understood, not controlled. We should be respectful of others around you, In the end will we survive.
  6. Mecklenburg County now reporting 77 cases, Durham County reporting 39, and Wake County reporting 33. Mecklenburg County jumped up quickly, that’s not encouraging.
  7. Man Italy reported another 793 dead just today. I hope we can change the curve for us or this country will report similar numbers.
  8. Depends if the neighbors cat is missing.
  9. Yes I realize that. What I am trying to convey is that we would have passed the asymptotic period, so people would not unknowingly pass it along. Those that are sick can seek treatment and stay away from the public. If not every American will catch this virus, it is almost impossible to miss it. Also, the longer this thing goes the deeper this recession and depression will last. It could be decades before we recover. What we do as a public now, determines how bad this will be in America.
  10. No I’m not, it is what China did to stop the disease. I trust them as far as I can throw them, but if we can stop the spread of this disease, we can treat those that are affected, and begin to recover.
  11. Yes I think two weeks. Those that are asymptotic will have gotten sick. We can begin to stop the spread of this disease. If we can stop the spread we can begin to recover.
  12. Ok I just read news this morning that the government expects to lose over 2.25 million jobs this month alone. Other news agencies are stating that our economy may hit depression era level by mid summer. I would like to believe that if we force everyone to stay home for two weeks this nightmare would be over. I think it is the only answer.
  13. LOL maybe one too many layers, that’s ok.
  14. Here in Greensboro the local county jail is releasing all inmates with low bond amounts. I don’t know if that is to keep people away from the jail, or make room. One can wonder either way.
  15. Richard Burr knew what was going on back in Feb and told a group of local leaders. Then sold all of his hospitality stock. Remember Burr is the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. https://www.greensboro.com/news/local_news/burr-gave-stark-covid--warning-to-private-group-weeks/article_3feca670-81e2-5c8a-81d6-f6c9d15871ee.html
  16. Yes I knew about the spam email campaign. This was different, I kind of wonder if the news from California has something to do with it. I don’t know, but this person was serious.
  17. I just received a call from a reliable source inside a federal agency. They told me that they expect habeas corpus to be suspended and Marshall Law deployed in the near future. They could not go into detail, so something must be up. Wow folks, that is unheard of, just wow.
  18. I’m not blaming anyone, I’m simply stating that our news sources have an agenda, and it is not the will or protection of the people, it is to serve their political affiliations over public health.
  19. Where are the “Nothing to see here “ folks now? This is a disease that comes about once in a 100 years. There are too many people playing politics instead of heeding warnings. America has got to do something about its tainted news sources, as it is costing us lives. News sources that cater to a political party should be forced to label themselves entertainment, and leave the word news for unbiased reporting stations that report fact not conjecture or propaganda.
  20. Guilford County now has one patient with Coronavirus, Forsyth has 4 I believe, Wake county has 15, and Durham County has 16, 15 of which are Duke students that traveled recently. Bunker down folks, this is no joke.
  21. New Jersey has instituted a curfew, no travel between the hours of 8pm-5am. Wow.
  22. Look on the bright side, if you do catch it, you could sell your blood as a vaccine to the highest bidder after you get better.
  23. H.G. Wells wrote a novel about just this topic. War of the worlds, it was an infectious disease that stopped the alien invasion, not human aggression. This is not the first deadly virus in human history, and it will not be the last.
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