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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. knock it off. if you want to talk about baseball, take it here: http://www.carolinahuddle.com/boards/forum/20-mlb-major-league-baseball/
  2. watching the jaxville fans take over that crappy boat field may make that game worth watching. well...maybe for another 10 minutes before i start feeling bad for the bucs. ok...so i won't feel bad for them, but still it would only be a novelty that would wear off after just a few minutes of watching. overall, i just can't imagine any game be worth me staying awake for (which i don't really need to do because i have to be at work at 10:30 tonight).
  3. wow, that would be like watching the ravens play here when we had wolverine playing QB. actually probably worse. on the upside for raymond james, it will probably be the best concession sales they've had in years.
  4. hoping for a miracle in atlanta today. just can't see it happening. saints..meh, they were about .500 as an away team when they were good. now that they suck again i just can't see them winning in philly, even tho i think philly is overrated. i want to say that the TB/jax game is interesting just because of how bad both teams are, but i'd be lying. i can't imagine watching more than 5 minutes of it.
  5. Well, That Was A Quick Attempt To Hijack A Thread.
  6. i've got this sick feeling that we are going to lose to ryan mallet. how pathetic is that?
  7. get ready for the defense making a poo ton of mistakes. they are on the field way too long and the offense can't stay on the field at all...even with shula taking for-frikkin-ever to get the plays in.
  8. this is why you can't depend on a defense to win. you have to be able to score points just in case they get stupid/fail.
  9. all the more reason to come out and just kick them in the nads.
  10. that's not what happened last year. last year the pats game planned and played hard while we acted like it was any other preseason game. we went in to evaluate our players. they went in to get revenge for beating them the year before. we were quite simply sucker punched. considering it was the pats, we shouldn't have been surprised. any one watching the game could tell it meant more to the pats going into the game than us and we were absolutely not on a level footing in regards to planning, motivation, and performance. this year it appears we will be closer to level footing by treating this as a real game/grudge match. if anyone gets sucker punched this year, i would rather it be them. the pats have it coming.
  11. i love this new feature, btw. VERRRY nice. incredible pics.
  12. they've got the wrong rhino in there. ward >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brockel.
  13. all we need is for shula to adjust the scheme to fit the personnel. ugh.
  14. sorry, but i'm just too used to this happening as a panther fan. just when you think we are heading into a great season, poo like this happens. same old story.
  15. i know the above comment may be a joke, but ealy may prove to be a bigger headache than is needed on the team. would hate cutting such a high pick, but in the long term i wouldn't be upset.
  16. the WHOP ward house of pancakes. i don't care if he never touches the ball, we need that guy on the field knocking people on the ground. dude would be an incredible asset in pass pro and run blocking. i consider him a mobile 6th lineman.
  17. zod made one up a couple years ago. it was awesome. found it. it was archived. Crackerjack, Honey Dew, Boom - chicka - Pow! Tick Tack, Quarterback Cats say Meow! (put your hands in a claw like fashion above your head)
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