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Struggling with my faith


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I was raised in a Christian environment. My mother is a heavy duty church lady.

I always liked church and had a lot of good times there as a child. To this day, Christian music and church songs bring a great amount of comfort to me.

I am sad to say how I feel about Christianity today. I believe it all started about a year ago. I saw a bumper sticker on a beat up car with an old lady driving it. The sticker read "Warning: In case of rapture this car will be unmanned!!!". I thought that bumper sticker was the silliest thing I had ever seen. The sticker came off as arrogant and laughable.

The sticker was just the starting point of my apprehenion towards Christianity. The sticker was referring to the Chrisitian believe of the return of Jesus, that all Christians will float into the sky and be with God's son. Although Christians strongly believe this, even with all of the advancements and technology today, Christians criticize and mock the idea of 72 virgins for Islamic believers. Christians put down Buddha and Confuscious, when in all actually it doesn't seem any more farfetched that people floating off of the earth.Today, the ideas of Zeus and other mythical Gods are believed to be fiction. I am not saying those Gods were real, but Christianity is what, 2012 years old? The earth has been around for billions and billions of years, so why are 2000 year old actions regarded so highly?

Some interpret the rapture as a plague that comes before a war or some sort of end war, you could say that it varies from person to person, but in all likely hood we will all die before rapture so I never worry about it, christians have been thinking the rapture is right around the corner and feel like they need to prepare for for over 2000 years, the likely hood of their own personal death is far more likely to happen then them going in a mass rapture, that's why I believe you should always live like every day is your last and live without regrets because you really never know.

Also many Christians see christianity as a proper continuation of Judaism, you could say that Christianity is actual as old as Judaism and not just 2012 years old.

Besides the rapture, how silly does it sound that some Anti-Christ figure will appear and influence everyone to do what he demands. Do you realize how selfish people are these days??? Not to mention that it seems no on can agree on anything at all, so why would everyone unite for one dickhead?

People are stupid, think Hitler type character for example, I believe the guy was pure evil but almost all of Germany followed him, who in their right mind would follow a man like that is beyond me, but if something like that happens once it could happen again. Also many believe that he was the Anti-Christ, I do think the title is something that people throw around too often for political purposes especially in American politics, basically now we cannot see this happen but that's not to say that we know not what tomorrow will bring.

The thought of Heaven also confuses me. There is no such thing as total agreement in any faction of any sort. How is arguing avoided in Heaven? Christians have little (or big) fights and arguements and cliques in churches ALL the time.

People make the mistake thinking that they know what God thinks some times, I have a brother that thinks he is never wrong because he's a Born again Christian(imagine some of the arguments we've had....), I believe God is more understanding and his plan is far more reaching then any of us can or will see, what his grand plan is I my not see until I reach heaven but in the mean time I will follow his word to the best of my understanding. basically Catholic or Protestant church? I don't care dogma is a waste of time and unnecessary.

Another thing I have against Christianity is the way it became mainstream. Christianity became very popular after the fall of the Roman Empire. A lot of highly regarded pagan believers agreed to accept Christian vows, just so they could open up trade oppurtunities with Christian believers. Shortly afterwards, Christianity was seemingly forced upon everyone. Crusades were held and the inquisitions started. In the inquisitions, people were brutally tortured and killed based upon the fact that they were suspected of being a non-believer. The so-called "Christians" discovered the new world and immediately slaughtered the beautiful civilizations in modern day Mexico. Most modern day Hispanics have Native American ancestory and speak Spanish, even though they live in Mexico. I also noticed that a lot of modern day Hispanics are heavy believers of Christianity, I wonder why.....

Much in how the Muslim faith is being used today in the middle east Catholicism was used in the middle ages, thus the cause of the Reform by Martin Luther in 1500's there were people using the Christian faith as a form of control and getting someone to do something that they would otherwise not do, and remember average people back then are not like they are today, they were dumb as dirt and if the Pope said this or that then it was Law, you need to have a balance view of history and the bible and think " hey was there any biblically basis for the crusades or was it the church and a bunch of kings trying to get rich off of conquest?" remember this the number one cause of all wars in for economic reasons, like recently Golf war 1, Golf war 2 all of these were really used for Oil, but you can't get support to go to war because of Oil, how many people would be willing to die and go to war if you told them that? the Crusades worked the same way, religion was used as the cause but had nothing to do with it.

The last thing I have a problem with is Christian attitude and behavior. In my opinion, a good Christian should open about his faith and testify to others. This does not mean go around telling people they will burn in hell for not believing. If someone doesn't want to accept God, or already has another religion, just wish them a good day, dont harrass them until they are angered.

I think this is caused by confusion in the faith, I've always believed that the one constant message in Christianity is Love not hate, I've always believe that you will attract more people with honey then vinegar, and that if you want to evangelize to someone that instead of telling them "repent or burn" you should be an example to you first through your actions and then after they see how you are after they see how you live evangelize to them through love, as in Like "hey have you ever thought about Jesus?" some people today are turned off right away because of the fire and brimstone method of preaching which maybe was effecting at one point if ever, but is not today, if you go around telling a bunch of people that they are going to hell if they don't repent how many people are you going to help? very little in not any, and with that said one thing I do not like about the Christianity in America is ignoring the Homosexual community, a lot of christians would rather tell them they are going to hell then try to develop any kind of connection and evangelize to them in any meaningful way and because of this it has turned many of them off from Christ forever and that's something that we should never do, I believe as a Christian we must first be an example, a light to the world and then a messenger of peace and that we should not discriminate because someone has chosen a lifestyle that we ourselves may not have chosen.

and with that said I'm pretty certain in my experience that Homosexuals are born that way, many christians believe that this isn't possible, but I do, I see it as God maybe testing us for what we are, maybe to see if we will still act through love towards them.

BTW not Gay myself but have over the last few years made a few friends that are and has really changed my view on the whole thing, because 5 years ago I probably wouldn't have even talk to someone I knew was gay but today I'm good friends with a few people that are.

I know God works in mysterious ways, but why can't I ever seem to get any answers?

Some times answers and actions by God come in less obvious ways then you may expect, I've struggled with this as well, if you are expecting something obvious like a smack in the face you may be waiting a while, but I say look around you and see how he acts. it's how I know there is a God, I look out into the world into the beauty of Nature and wonder "how can there not be a God to build a place with such beauty?" I see the world as it is as evidence enough of his existence.

with that said I've recently had a medical issue when I was traveling in Brazil, that if it were not for divine intervention could have been a LOT worse then it was in more then one way, it was something that you afterwards thank God for taking care of you.

I know it's a bit long but I hope this helps, I for a while had a time where I fell away from God, mainly because of the actions of abusive parents and other things that happened in life to me, but I have made the full circle and have come back and on my own instead of something forced on me, and that is also why I've decided to interpret the Bible on my own and not look to others for interpretation because I've been burt by that in the past, which is also why I have a different view on things then many other Christians.

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but yeah, for my advice...

believe in yourself... the rest doesn't matter...

life is too short for your question yourself and everything involving this unknown world... once you get close to the answer, you've wasted your brief time here and then you die, and the answers are given to you...

if there are no answers, you won't be conscious to know it

if there are answers, then the best you can hope for is that whatever awaits us after this plane of existence takes into consideration some sort of values/morals that we had for ourselves while we were here...

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Just stating what I feel here, it is impossible to "know" anything about god/gods. Anyone who says they know god exists or is real is bullshitting you. Not to say I'm intolerant of religion or religious people, if that's what they believe and it helps them be better people that's fine but organized religion doesn't work for me and neither does faith.

Find what works for you like everyone else has said. The church of RedMage teaches that you should do right by others and try to leave the world a better place than before you got here. Really, just think for yourself and don't be a dick. If you find religious teachings help you in this quest, that's great, just don't push them on everybody else.

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All you need to know is that you're going to die one day. How you spend your life here may or may not have in impact on the conscious energy, if there is any, that survives your corpse.

If there isn't any sort of soul or conscious energy that survives, then none of your worries or inner struggles matter.

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From someone who also questions his faith, I too struggle with the same things. It definitely helps to surround yourself with people that you yourself can get along with and can help you in this matter. Helping me immensely. I don't have all the answers myself and I don't even know if I will even get the opportunity to get them, but something in me just won't die.

Sounds like you have the same thing. If anything, I can't stand most of the people INSIDE Christianity, not Christianity in itself. It's supposed to be about following the example of Jesus and following His will. Your actions are the body of work that others happen to see. If you do the right things and set a good example, along with being faithful, others should fall in line. You don't see that today, especially with lots of people being hypocritical or in it for reasons other than for God's will.

My advice to you is to pray for guidance and direction. Seek out others who are having trouble with this too and form a bond with them to see if you all can find answers together (this walk wasn't meant to be done alone). Also seek those who are well-endowed with biblical matters and who YOU think is truly holy and speak with them.

It's not much, but I hope it helps you. I'm trying to do what I said as well, and it's hard, especially with all those doubts. I think most of us will get confirmation from God one way or another.

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The so-called "Christians" discovered the new world and immediately slaughtered the beautiful civilizations in modern day Mexico. Most modern day Hispanics have Native American ancestry and speak Spanish, even though they live in Mexico. I also noticed that a lot of modern day Hispanics are heavy believers of Christianity, I wonder why.....

I can actually answer this one.

The Pope, sadly, I don't remember which one. Split up the world and awarded it to two countries. Spain and Portugal. (England & France were considered 2nd rate nations due to their lack of a strong Navy.) He who had a strong Navy controlled the world! And at that time it was Spain, with the Spanish Armada & Portugal which rivaled Spain's Naval power. Portugal opened up trade with China and Japan.

When the Spanish set forth to conquer the "New World", they brought their Catholic religion with them. Those who converted to Christianity were spared. Those who didn't were put to death.

Portuguese were a little more tolerant, but still pushed for the Holy Roman Catholic church. This is why the main language of Brazil is Portuguese!

In a span of 100 years, the Holy Roman Empire went from crucifying Jesus upon the cross to making it punishable by death, for those who didn't believe. Emperor Constantine was a Christian and is regarded as the first Emperor to create the bible. (Actually scholars under his orders created the bible as we know it today.) It was English King James (Hence the King James version of the Bible) that ordered the bible translated from Latin to the Kings English so that all could read it.

In essence, Christianity draws on several of the popular religions of the time in order to get people go convert.

Buddha was a mortal person, born of mortal parents. However, when Buddha ascended on high, he felt that he was the son of a greater power. (Sound familiar?)

If you were to read the Teachings of Buddha (I have) you will see parallels to Christianity and even religions of the American Indians. Buddha was nearly 500-1000 years before Jesus.

Buddha wrote: "A man can not truly understand another man until he was walked in his footsteps."

Native American version. "You can not truly understand your Brother until you have walked in his moccasins."

When the Russians frist started to venture into space, they proclaimed that there was no God. Because they had been into space, and didn't see any signs of him.

Someone should have told them taht you dont' have to go into outer space to see God's work.


I really don't think God cares if you call him, God, Jehova, Buddha, Mohammed. As long as you make some time in your life for him.

Which would you rather.

Live you live like there is a God and find out when you die that there isn't.


Live you life like there is no God and find out when you die, that there is!

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A. him? I think you're discounting a great number of female goddesses throughout the history of worship...

B. You don't live your life based on what comes after. You live your life based on what you feel is right, and without bringing harm to other people. Doing as you suggest is a "boogeyman" scenario...

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I have faith in the sammich.

I struggled with my faith until I let go of trying to make every one else's religion work for me. I never knew I could have my own beliefs, I thought I had to believe what every one else believed. The religion of liag suggests that I can believe in a power of MY own understanding and I don't have to follow someone else's religion

. It certainly made things so much easier. I have a huge faith in my God today.

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I can actually answer this one.

The Pope, sadly, I don't remember which one. Split up the world and awarded it to two countries. Spain and Portugal. (England & France were considered 2nd rate nations due to their lack of a strong Navy.) He who had a strong Navy controlled the world! And at that time it was Spain, with the Spanish Armada & Portugal which rivaled Spain's Naval power. Portugal opened up trade with China and Japan.

When the Spanish set forth to conquer the "New World", they brought their Catholic religion with them. Those who converted to Christianity were spared. Those who didn't were put to death.

Portuguese were a little more tolerant, but still pushed for the Holy Roman Catholic church. This is why the main language of Brazil is Portuguese!

In a span of 100 years, the Holy Roman Empire went from crucifying Jesus upon the cross to making it punishable by death, for those who didn't believe. Emperor Constantine was a Christian and is regarded as the first Emperor to create the bible. (Actually scholars under his orders created the bible as we know it today.) It was English King James (Hence the King James version of the Bible) that ordered the bible translated from Latin to the Kings English so that all could read it.

In essence, Christianity draws on several of the popular religions of the time in order to get people go convert.

Buddha was a mortal person, born of mortal parents. However, when Buddha ascended on high, he felt that he was the son of a greater power. (Sound familiar?)

If you were to read the Teachings of Buddha (I have) you will see parallels to Christianity and even religions of the American Indians. Buddha was nearly 500-1000 years before Jesus.

Buddha wrote: "A man can not truly understand another man until he was walked in his footsteps."

Native American version. "You can not truly understand your Brother until you have walked in his moccasins."

When the Russians frist started to venture into space, they proclaimed that there was no God. Because they had been into space, and didn't see any signs of him.

Someone should have told them taht you dont' have to go into outer space to see God's work.


I really don't think God cares if you call him, God, Jehova, Buddha, Mohammed. As long as you make some time in your life for him.

Which would you rather.

Live you live like there is a God and find out when you die that there isn't.


Live you life like there is no God and find out when you die, that there is!

You gonna bet that God isn't smart enough to see thru your Pascal's wager?

Just google pascal's wager fallacy and DIY.

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Wow great answer. What if he choose to have faith in Muhammad or the flying spaghetti monster bet that faith wont be good enough for ya.

To the original poster. Don't let fear keep you from questioning and seeking truth. I suggest reading a lot of books and then actually thinking about what you read and questioning that too. Good luck.

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