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Everything posted by MechaZain

  1. Washington Post exposed the workplace harrassment Snyder will take less before selling to Bezos
  2. It's incredible to me that this dude has been badgered about his size his whole playing career and doesn't have a chip on his shoulder over it. He is a winner and carries himself like one. Been too long since we had that QB.
  3. Yeah I think people get carried away with the idea of sitting out a season. Maybe if you're a win now team but they aren't in a position to draft a QB early anyway. If you aren't winning already what is there to lose? Richardson needs game experience more than anything.
  4. Yeah he should have just kept that one to himself. Embarassing.
  5. Sheena works the beat harder and engages the community more than any of them. No slander against my High Point sister shall prosper. Ya'll still mad Massage Envy went to Cleveland time to let that man go.
  6. The players forcing MAR out set an awkward precedent
  7. I’m sure ol girl wasn’t a saint in the situation but the kid describing Miles beating his mom was enough for me man. Short of self defense (and we would have heard it by now if that was the case) there’s just no excuse for that anyway you look at it. I don’t think he should spend life in prison or anything but any respect I had for the guy is gone. At the very least I need him to show some remorse for what he put the team through, if not his damn family. If they try to slide him back in quietly I can’t support that.
  8. If they were going to do all this number fudging I wish they had just considered it a 92 game suspension with time served. They don’t want to set the precedent probably but now this is too far in the other direction. Let him off easy.
  9. Same. The size debate has drowned this out but his arm strength should be the real concern. A lot of folks talk as if Bryce's passing is better than CJ's in every aspect and it's just not the case with the deep ball. His accuracy and playmaking ability will cover for him by forcing defenses to stay honest so I don't think it'll be as bad Bridgewater where we had to practically abandon the deep ball. He can throw deep, just slowly. It'll be important for our recievers to be able to win 1-on-1s on the deep floaters.
  10. Or he would have been a more careful and evasive QB and play into his 40s
  11. Hate to say it but Miles ain’t going anywhere. Barring some ping pong luck it’s the only thing they have to offer LaMelo.
  12. I can buy him being Reich's top choice but unless it's true that CJ bombed the interview, AR winning over more staff than either Stroud or Young seems extremely unlikely to me.
  13. Touche, but I'm still calling BS on them being mostly 50/50 up to now. Everything I've seen has been more in line with the Huddle polls. My point stands: CJ is the least controversial pick of the bunch. Saying that as someone who prefers Bryce. Most negative thing I've heard thrown at CJ is that he was surrounded by talent.
  14. Link them then big boy. Make sure it's a Panthers fan poll not some USA Today.
  15. Try reading any poll or the comments section on who should be the pick. And @Tbe is right, the team's not going to want Team Stroud vs Team Young on draft night. Since you want to act dense I'll put it this way: I haven't seen a single example of a fan being against drafting Stroud and I can't say for the other QBs.
  16. Because the fanbase clearly favors Stroud and there's enough controversy around the others to sour the welcome party. Everyone will fall in line eventually but there's going to be some salt on draft night if it's Young, Richardson, or Levis.
  17. Not sure the team would if the pick's not Stroud.
  18. I've never considered this but it makes sense to warm us up to Bryce when the fanbase is favoring Stroud. No telling whether the smoke is for us or Houston.
  19. Respectfully what good have analytics done other than making us San Francisco’s training squad
  20. Buddy aired his relationship out on twitter and started arguing with his girl in the thread https://nypost.com/2023/04/07/broncos-reporter-benjamin-allbright-makes-bizarre-twitter-sexting-confession/
  21. Not building a workout routine here just comparing two guys. I think it's more accurate than the Huddle eye test.
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