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Riverboat Ron

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Everything posted by Riverboat Ron

  1. This is what gets me. Even if the gameplay was bad I'd at least appreciate they put effort into the details of rosters to at least give the appearance they don't just reuse the game coding and do a couple minor tweaks every year. They basically build a game and use the code for 5+ years just to do poorly done roster updates and they do this because they want Ultimate Team to be their cash cow and they know it will still sell. All they have to do is pump $ into marketing to get fans to buy this turd of a game and it works. Hell, I even play last years on Xbox Game Pass because I love football, doesn't mean the game isn't an absolute shell of what it used to be but what other NFL option is there?
  2. Going to chug a gallon of Beacon sweet tea to honor the last day.
  3. These next couple months are going to be a sh*tshow. I'm fully vaccinated sitting at home, self isolated because I'm pretty sure I just have this new variant. Bartending is my livelihood, never did unemployment, so I can't avoid coming into contact with hundreds of randos every night. I'm literally done with people and their "freedoms". Easy solution to fixing this bs. 1. Get vaccinated 2. If you don't want the vaccine, you must wear a mask at all times in public. 3. Make not wearing a mask in public while unvaccinated a finable offense, no tolerance policy = house arrest plus negative test at offenders cost. I'm tired of people's politics, nature doesn't give af what you are, act like you care for others even if you really don't.
  4. Trent Scott's suckage might have given Little another year. That really says everything about our depth on OL.
  5. It's crazy because I thought he was one of the more impressive OL at the Senior Bowl. Guess Deonte showed enough that they didn't want two developmental guys.
  6. All I can say is after watching I left the stadium wet tonight.
  7. Same at LT and FS, some say drafting them in the 1st is a myth.
  8. Oh how I miss that interior of Andrew Norwell, Ryan Kahlil and motivated Tre Turner.
  9. That 2019 draft sucked hard outside of Burns.
  10. Oh so Horn smothers guys and he gets a thread on the huddle, if I do it I get 25 to life.
  11. You had me until Greg Little.
  12. Too bad for DB's there will be no lube nor butter that will save their ass.
  13. Is diarrhea considered a fluid?
  14. Or he gets released and goes to the Saints.
  15. Just build it over 85 and create an endless loop of gridlock traffic.
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