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Everything posted by HaricotVert

  1. Can’t ever beat the refs The refs are giving this game to the chiefs
  2. There is always a way https://archive.ph/ You often cant play embedded media but you can access/read the content
  3. Been considering it but hadn't yet committed. Thanks for the reccomendation
  4. There are shitty people in every fan base. Watched a bunch of drunk Panthers fans ask a 10ish year old in a Culpepper jersey how he thought his QB was going to ever run again after getting carted out on BoA on 10/30/05
  5. I was speaking in the context of a Panthers fan that would take a 10 win season to be one and done in the playoffs. I assumed that was the question you posed.
  6. But with where we have been in the recent years it would be a welcome change and point to a bright future.
  7. Since the worst team in the playoffs got 10 wins ill take that
  8. If they win this challenge the fix is in
  9. If you are planning to buy your new home first and then sell your current home ultimately its the lender you have to be most concerned with. They are the ones who will be looking at your debt to income ratio and will decide how much you can get towards your new home. They likely wont care that the HELOC will be paid out at the time you close your current home and will treat it as if that debt will persist
  10. Use a Credit Union. Last one we got the CU had the best rates around by a full point.
  11. Reveling in a loss is the dominion of the people who see each season as if it was just another season in their Madden franchise mode. I want to enjoy the euphoria of a Monday spent looking for articles on how “we” overarchived.
  12. If a state only has 1 franchise then the whole state should be the home market
  13. Home markets need to be defined by this" And not by this https://www.tvfool.com/maps/?call=WJZY
  14. As someone who grew up with George Reeves on my TV (in syndication of course, Im not that old) and Christopher Reeve on the Big Screen. There is no Kal-El but Henry Cavill
  15. https://myfox8.com/contact-us/ General Manager Jim Himes – [email protected] Vice President, General Sales Manager Bill O’Shea – [email protected] Vice President of News Kevin Daniels – [email protected] Vice President of Engineering and Operations Zack Greer – [email protected] Creative Services Director Stuart Smith – [email protected] Executive Producer, Digital & Social Media Justyn Melrose – [email protected]
  16. It takes a lot to get me to a theater anymore but this will do it.
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