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Toker Smurf

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Everything posted by Toker Smurf

  1. My dad’s podiatrist told him that crocs are awful for your feet. He still wears them.
  2. Yeah. I don't like to drink this early. I find it interferes with my high.
  3. Yes. We will have some wins and losses this year.
  4. To do you a favor. So you don’t get ridiculed for being a fan of this septic tank fire.
  5. Just chilling at home with the family. Beer, NY strips on the grill and a dip in the pool.
  6. I mean, we’re practically a traveling clown show now, so.
  7. Maybe but I doubt we send millions of people there before we check it out in person, so that’s all part of the process.
  8. No freaking way. What the living f***?
  9. Hell , my son’s rec team went 8-3. Maybe I should throw my hat in the ring.
  10. I’m taking a smoke break so my tolerance will be lower by the start of the season. I will be ready.
  11. After going 3-6, Rhule will be fired and Corral will get a shot.
  12. Could be a blessing in disguise, who knows. Feels bad though.
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