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Everything posted by Adb6368

  1. There’s a fine like between earl thomas, all-pro Seahawks safety, and early Thomas, nuclear bomb locker room destroyer. let’s hope everyone stays on the right side of that line
  2. Because there’s a chance she’s wrong about the niners and right about the panthers. And in that case, we are drafting mac Jones which the majority of the armchair GMs have determined is not a good quarterback and is a product of the system
  3. I actually think he’s being underrated because of off the field issues. But I still do not want at 8.
  4. I thought we were getting a 7 round mock draft!
  5. That’s a fair point but on the flip side I think we need to give the same time to little also then and let him play out his rookie contract. Not all players come in ready to play. likely? Probably not but you never know if little can find a way to be serviceable
  6. Isn’t tepper constantly pushing the analytical approach ?
  7. Have we officially picked up the 5th year option on darnold? I know people said that it was a formality but I also read that the team wanted to talk to his agents first which I thought was really weird ?
  8. The similarities are... non-existent
  9. I didn’t know New Yorkers could be so unassuming and welcoming. Welcome. Stay a while. Board the bandwagon whiles it’s still barren
  10. The counter argument to that is that the most fun team we’ve seen in 20 years currently doesn’t even have home court advantage in a potential first round series. there is less than 0 parody in the nba. We have potentially the best chance at a superstar we’ve ever had in lamelo and still would need about 5-6 unlikely things to happen to even sniff the chance at winning a championship.
  11. Starting to think we will have to trade up to get him
  12. Did everyone lose or did no one gain???
  13. Haha you like checking off the boxes of basic stereotypes don’t you. Those darn pesky kids coming in and stealing my job! get off my lawn!
  14. College basketball this year is insufferable... and somehow the acc is at the top of that list
  15. Don’t forget the fact that there’s a good number of starting caliber players that sat out last year that are coming back to reclaim their spots
  16. You want David tepper signing off on your open heart surgery if that time comes?
  17. Would you rather give up 3 first round picks, cmc, and 2 defensive starters to pay another qb 40 mil? Because unfortunately that is the leader in the clubhouse. signing a pro bowler caliber qb without giving away our future seems like a pretty good deal right now considering what we’ve heard
  18. The good news is he seems to understand the shelf life of a rb and limits hits where he can. I don’t recall ever seeing him getting blindsided or stood up. And a lot of his usage are the dink and dunks where he either gains a few yards and runs out of bounds or turns it into a huge gain.
  19. Everyone is discussing him leaving but I’m going to assume our all-world player stays. The assumption was that he played limited games this year to help expedite the rebuilt. However, does anyone have any info on whether or not the injuries could be burdensome long-term? I assume the high-ankle sprain fully heals but wasn’t their talk of surgery at one point on his shoulder? If cmc doesn’t go back to the cmc of old this entire franchise looks different moving forward.
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